Knights of Columbus
Assumption – Keene
Council #14032 |
Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity,fraternity and Patriotism.
The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
The history of the Order shows how the foresight of Father Michael J. McGivney, whose cause for sainthood is being investigated by the Vatican, brought about what has become the world's foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society. The Order has helped families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and has contributed time and energy worldwide to service in their church, communities and society as a whole.
The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 13,000 councils and 1.7 million members throughout the world. The Assumption-Keene Council was newly chartered on March 29th, 2006, and has done much to further the causes of church and community in the short time it has been in existence. |
To learn more about our history click:
A Brief History of the Assumption-Keene Council #14032

In 2006, Sir Knight Bernard Clancy felt the time was right to establish a Council of the Knights of Columbus for the men of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish and the mission church of St. John the Evangelist, Keene. With the encouragement and assistance of Sir Knight Barry Lecour, who was the District Deputy for District #29 at the time, they set about signing up the required number of men from the Parish to become Charter members and help form a Council of the Knights.
Once all the paperwork was completed a Charter for Council #14032 was granted by the Supreme Office, March 29, 2006, with a total of 53 charter members. Many members not only completed their 3rd Degrees this same year, but at least seven also obtained their 4th Degrees, with most of them joining the Bishop Morrocco Assembly #882 (Peterborough). The Pastor at the time was Fr. David West, who became the Council's founding Chaplain and Sir Knight Michael O'Toole was elected as the Council's first Grand Knight. Many original members took on other roles of the executive and are still taking active and crucial roles in the Council to this day. Then the Council members set to work in establishing themselves with many crucial programs in the Parish and our community. Eventually, to celebrate the establishment of the Council, a Charter Banquet took place on January 21, 2007 in Peterborough, with Knights and their spouses being able to enjoy an evening together and to otherwise mark this special occasion. ;
If you would like to become a Knight or are interested in learning more, contact a member of our local Council in the Parish or click on the link below for more information:
Meeting Schedule:
After a successful and honorable service to their Parish and Community, since the start of the 2022 Fraternal Year, Council #14032 is currently “non-operating” and will therefore will not have meetings planned for the future. Thank you for your support and dedication over the past 16 years…it’s has been a honour to have served you!
Upcoming Events: |
- As it now stands, Assumption/Keene Council #14032 is currently “non-operating”. Members have asked about moving to other Knights of Columbus Councils. Go ahead and join another Council. A “Transfer Form” is all that is required. Enjoy the fellowship of your fellow Brother Knights by joining and supporting another Council. Should Council #14032 restart, you can always transfer back. For those of you who are 4th Degree members, remember that before you can renew your 4th Degree dues, you should have your 3rd Degree (Council) dues renewed first.
The Knights Prayer in Time of Pandemic: |
Past Events:
The following are a sample of images of what our Council has done to date: |
“The Reason for the Season” |
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
“Sir Knight Bernard Clancy – May Perpetual Light Shine Upon You” |
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It is with sadness that we have lost another of our Founding Council Members. In fact S.K. Bernard Clancy was The Co-Founder of Council #14032 (Assumption-Keene). It was his vision that a Council be formed in our Parish and he ensured it happened, personally signing up many of the other founding members in 2006. S.K. Bernard took many roles in this Council and served as Grand Knight from 2010 to 2011. S.K. Bernard became a 4th Degree Member of the Order in 2009 and joined the Bishop Marrocco Assembly #882 (Peterborough).
The above image depicts S.K. Bernard Clancy (L) being awarded his Honorary Life Membership from then District Deputy (Dist.#29), S.K. Paul Meade in 2013.
2022 Annual Road Clean-up |


May 14th, 2022, marked the first Annual Road Clean-up in two years, thanks to Covid-19. Almost every year since 2006, our Council has been conducting an annual clean-up of the “Old Keene Road” (Cty. Rd. #35), this road runs from Hwy. #7 to Cty. Rd. #2. This year, there were 26 volunteers, comprised of Council members, Parishioners and family members who showed up on a warm and sunny Saturday morning to pick-up garbage that had accumulated in the ditches of the 9.5 km stretch of road (#DSCN2046). Thanks to the Tim Horton’s at Ashburnham, there was enough coffee and donuts for all who wanted them (water was also available). This event can be a real family affair, as in the case of the Crough Family, where Bob and Karen Crough, included son Rob and granddaughter Larissa to round out their crew, (#DSCN2073) while their other son Jeff with Jackie Bell and cousins Harper and Payton Crough, made up yet another crew. (#DSCN2071) But it was not all work and no play though, as Bob O’Brien, Sherry Withers, Evan and Colin Fitzgerald took a break to visit some roadside neighbours. (#DSCN2074) In the end, the amount of garbage was staggering. Past Grand Knights, Rick Stankiewicz and Peter Clancy, stand beside every volunteers efforts for the morning…70 bags of garbage and 5 bags of recycles and sundry other items. (#DSCN2082) This trailer was taken to the Waste Transfer Station on Drummond Line to dispose of the contents. When all was said and done, this was another incredibly successful clean-up effort and proved yet again that, “Many hands make light work!” and you can have fun doing it too. Without the dedication and efforts of the Council members, Parishioners and their families, there would have been no clean-up. The Council thanks you, your neighbours thank you and the environment thanks you too. See you next year!
Our Council is Blessed with Talented Members |
As well at the May 10th meeting the there was an “unveiling” as such, of a generous gift donated to the Council on behalf of one of its talented members. Charter member Knight Tom Wornoff, is known locally for his woodworking skills and talent and he created a custom display case for the “Jewels of Office” for the Council. Our Worthy Chaplain blessed the display case as part of the meeting. Unfortunately, Tom was not available to be at this meeting. “Thank you” Tom, for your beautiful contribution to the Council and the Parish Hall, we are honoured.
Council Chaplain Honoured |
Also at the May 10th meeting there was another reason to celebrate and the Council took this opportunity to congratulate their Worthy Chaplain, Msgr. Mike Heffernan, by having the Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin, present him with a card and gift on behalf of the Council in recognition of reaching his 40th year as a Priest (at the end of May) and coincidently, his 40th year as a member of the Knights of Columbus too! Congratulations Monsignor!
Longtime Member Receives Honorary Membership |
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At the May 10th monthly Council meeting, there was a special presentation made to a member of the Knights with 34 years in the Order. Knight John Harrigan was awarded his Honorary Membership Card by Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin. This honor is only bestowed on those members that are 65 years or older and have 25 or more years of consecutive membership with the Knights. Congratulations John!
The 2022 Lenten Food Drive |
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This year's "Lenten Food Drive" was sponsored by the Assumption/Keene Knights of Columbus and was another success, thanks to the generous donors of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. John the Evangelist churches. Joan DiFruscia of the OSM Food Cupboard in Keene, displays some of the 140 pounds of food that parishioners from both churches donate to the Lenten Food Drive. Joan picked the food up Thursday morning (April 14th). Food items donated were: mac and cheese (KD), peanut butter and canned tuna. The OSM Food Cupboard is striving to provide each family served with one week’s worth of nutritious food, including fresh produce, using a grocery list that the family fills out according to their needs. Monetary donations can fill in the gaps and to purchase fresh produce. There are several ways our communities can support the Food Cupboard through monetary donations, like "cash", including collection jars at Keene General Store and Three Roads Farms Store or by "cheque", (payable to 'Keene United Church' and in the memo line 'OSM Food Cupboard'). Mail to Keene United Church, P.O. Box 17, Keene ON K0L 2G0 and by "E-transfer", treasurerkuc@nexicom.net, and in the comment section, ‘OSM Food Cupboard’ and your civic mailing address for the receipt). Charitable receipts will be issued for donations over $20. Thank you to all those that gave so freely for the good of others!
Keep Christ in Christmas Posters – 2021 |
For many years the Knights have sponsored at art contest with the “Keep Christ in Christmas” theme. Submissions are usually from the parish school of, St Patrick’s. This year there were 40 entries. Each entrant got a certificate. The winning entrants (pictured here) received a certificate and a gift card. Due to COVID-19, a picture of the winners wasn’t possible.
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest |
The Assumption /Keene Knights of Columbus are holding their annual
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest. Artwork must reflect the Keep Christ in Christmas theme. Deadline is Dec. 9. It is opened to all Catholic elementary school pupils.
For an application form contact Roddy @ 705-872-6843.
A Funeral for PGK, Sir Knight Frances Walsh |
Longtime Parish and charter member of Council #14032, Sir Knight Frances Walsh passed away on October28th, 2021. Frances was a strong and loyal supporter of the K of C for the fifteen years he was a member. He served as Grand Knight and helped lead and support this Council in all that it has accomplished over the years. A private funeral Mass was held on November 1st for immediate family only. Appropriately, there was a 4th Degree Honour Guard from the Bishop Marrocco Assembly #882 (Peterborough), of which Sir Knight Frances was a respected member for many years. Sir Knight Frances will be missed due to his dedication and support he had for the K of C.
A Place to Pray for Life |
Peterborough Pro-Life have completed a project that is worth knowing about. Sacred Heart Church in Peterborough is the location of their newly erected “Memorial to the Unborn”. It has been a while in the making but is well worth the effort and the wait. If you like, please go and view it and spend a few moments to pray that everyone may have a greater respect for all life.
Christmas Button Campaign – 2020 |
Thank you to the supporters of the “Merry Christmas” Button Campaign which was held the last weekends in Advent. Through your generosity $227.45 in donations were raised. The money will be used in the works of Council #14032. We wish each and everyone a “Merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year!”. Let’s Keep Christ in Christmas. Remember, while the secular Christmas season ends, the real season starts Christmas Day and lasts through to Epiphany on January 6th. hence the “12 Days of Christmas”.
“Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest |
Artwork was submitted by 26 pupils at St. Patrick School for this annual contest and contest and was judged by the Knights Council on December 8th, 2020. The winning entries of each division will now proceed to the District Level. The three winners will receive a framed certificate and a Christmas crib. The other entrants will be given a certificate of participation. Pictured above are some of the entries from this contest and they will be displayed around the inside of the church this weekend.
Operation Christmas Child - 2020 |
Annually, the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of the Parish participate in a great event called “Operation Christmas Child”. The CWL and other parish members, including some of our Council Knights participated in creating, and collecting for distribution, packed shoe boxes with gifts of joy for underprivileged children in third world countries. This year’s total of 56 boxes were donated, all in time for Christmas. Another successful event the Parish got behind to support. Pictured here is Council Lecturer, Al Collicutt, husband of CWL member, Val Collicutt, with a trunk full of shoe boxes for delivery during this year’s campaign. This is yet another example where Parish couples can work together to make a difference in the Parish and the broader global community. A job well done for all who participated in this global effort, it warms the heart.
2020 October Bottle Drive Presentation to Special Olympics |
At the monthly Council meeting, Tuesday, November 10th, 2020, there was a Special Olympics presentations of the Cheque for the funds collected from the October 2020 Bottle Drive. Mary Harran, of Special Olympic Peterborough was on hand to accept the cheque for $1,120.00 from Council member, Kievan Lonergan. Under those face masks there were some smiling faces.
Eve of Remembrance |
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The Council would like to thank all who attended, especially the widows and families of the deceased Knights of our Council, on the "Eve of Remembrance", held at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, on Nov. 10, 2020. We wish to continue to acknowledge and remember the Brother Knights that have gone before us, marked with the sign of faith. A memorial wreath was laid at the altar and Brother Knights contributed and participated in the Mass celebrated by Monsignor Heffernan, the Council Chaplain. Also pictured is Council Treasurer, Bob Holland, who did the readings.
Annual Can and Bottle Drive for Special Olympics |
The month of October (2020) was the annual "Can and Bottle Drive for Special Olympics". A trailer was placed out the Parish Hall and emptied every week of all the contributions. Thank you to all who participated and those that made this valuable project a success.
The Knights of Columbus of the Assumption-Keene Council wish to thank all who donated to the “October 2020 Bottle Drive”. A total of $1,120.20 was raised and will be donated to the Peterborough Chapter of the Ontario Special Olympics. This is the most successful bottle drive the Council has ever had in the many years they have been collecting for this worthy cause. Since the 2015 bottle drive, $2,762 has been donated to Special Olympics. A special acknowledgment goes to Brother Kievan Lonergan. He picked up countless bottles and cans from the depot at Three Roads Farm Store on County Road 2, in addition to what was donated in the trailer at the Parish Hall. He separated the coloured and clear bottles and removed an unknown quantity of aluminum can tabs.
A big “Thanks” also to Three Roads Farm, who supplied a bin for bottles and cans to the bottle drive at their store. What a great show of community support in our Township.
Lenten Food Drive Update |
As of Sunday, March 22, 2020, the total amount of non-perishable food donations for our “40 Cans for Lent” campaign has reached 225 lb. in donations. Pictured here is Joan DiFruscia, of the Keene Cupboard excepting this load of food from Deputy Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin. It was felt that rather than wait any longer, the food collected to date needed to get out to those that can use it in this time of need. Food donations can still be dropped off at the entrance of the church, but if you wish to wait until “social distancing” has been relaxed, your donations will be gratefully accepted at anytime in the future too. Joan commented that this donation was exactly the type of foodstuffs that are needed the most right now. She was most appreciative of our donations to date and she felt she could not thank us enough. So, “Thank you!” for all those that have supported and continue to support this worthy cause.
Council Member Honoured |
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At the February 11th Council meeting, Council member, Bill Larocque, was given his “Honorary Life Membership” by Grand Knight, Peter Clancy. To qualify for this honour, a member must have been with the Order for at least 25 years and attained the age of 75 years. Congratulations, Brother Bill, on reaching this milestone.
Winner of 2020 of Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
After judging at our last Council meeting was completed a winner of the 2020 of the “Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest” was selected. In the attached picture, Elijah Donaldson from St. Patrick’s School receives his “Winners Certificate” and monetary prize for his winning submission in this year’s poster contest. Elijah was in the 8 to 10 year old age category. Deputy Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin looks on as Grand Knight, Peter Clancy holds the “Participation Certificates” for the other participants. This is a great way at a young age to raise awareness of just some the many social ills that face our young people today.
Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest – 2020 |
At our January Council meeting, members had an opportunity to vote for their favourite posters in this year’s Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest held with students from St. Patrick’s Elementary School.
YWCA Cross Roads Donation |
In December, 2019, our Council’s Worthy Recorder, Bob O’Brien, gave a cheque of $100.00 to Lyn of the YWCA Cross Roads from proceeds from the Fall Card Party. Our Council has supported this women’s shelter program for many years now and we are proud to keep supporting such a worthy cause.
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Winner |
On December 17th, 2019, our Council awarded participation certificates to all the students from St. Patrick’s Catholic School that participated in this year’s “Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest”. There were lots of great entries, but only one winner was chosen from each of the three age categories. Pictured here are the winners (L to R) Mackenzie Edge (8-10 yrs), Isabelle Gosselin (11-14 yrs) and Grant Miller (5-7 yrs). Besides their winners certificate, they are holding their nativity sets and cheques for $20.00, that were part of the recognition of their achievements. Behind the winners are Deputy Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin, and Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, who awarded all the certificates and prizes. This annual contest is a great way get the children to think about and focus on the meaning and history behind the Christmas Season.
2019 Parish Christmas Dinner |
It was another successful social event at our parish, hosted by Council #14032. There were dozens of couples from our Parish that had an enjoyable evening at the hall for a wonderfully prepared (and catered) turkey dinner with all the trimmings. There was much socializing and fellowship along with a delicious meal and door prizes too. The stage was decorated for the season, complete with a nativity scene to remind everyone of the “reason for the season”. A big thank you to all those that had a hand in making this event a success and of course, to all those that purchased tickets to support our efforts. Merry Christmas to all and a both Happy and Blessed New Year!
Keep Christ in Christmas - Billboard |
Once again, the Councils of District#29 contributed toward the billboard (pictured here) on County Rd. #28 (south of the “Five Corners” - Warsaw/Douro Turn), that promotes the keeping of Christ in Christmas. This year (2019) the message was posted from early November until December 20th. What a perfect way to get out message about “the reason for the season”.
Keep Christ in Christmas - Buttons |
Once again, our Council has purchased 400 buttons to help spread the message of Christmas. This year’s buttons say “Merry Christmas” in English and French, to reach the broader public with a simple Christmas message. These buttons are available for a limited time only and donations are gratefully accepted. Get your button today and wear it proudly to spread the “reason for the season”.
Remembrance Day in Keene |
Sunday, November 17th, 2019, was when the community of Keene (Otonabee-South Monaghan Township) commemorated Remembrance Day with a procession down the main street and laying of wreaths at the cenotaph. Representing our Council (#14032) were Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, and Deputy Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin (pictured here). It is an honour to part of this annual ceremony. The fourth pillar of our Order is “Patriotism” and this never more evident than at this time of year.
2019 District#29 Memorial Mass |
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On November 10th, Council #14032 participated in the annual District#29 Memorial Mass to honour the deceased members of the six Councils within District#29. This year’s Memorial Mass was hosted by Ennismore Council#10665, at St. Martin of Tours Church. All those in attendance are pictured here after the Mass, including the 4th Degree Honour Guard from the Bishop Marrocco Assembly #882 (Peterborough). In the centre is Fr. Dominick Mbah and to the left, District Deputy, Sean Dunlop. It was a beautiful service that included the Parish Choir and the reading of the names of all departed Brother Knights from District#29, over the past 25+ years. A social followed in the Parish Hall. Thank you to Council#10665 for hosting and to those from Council#14032 who attended. Our fallen Brothers deserve our annual remembrance.
October 2019 Bottle Drive |
The 2019 Bottle Drive was the best to date, with over $200.00 being raised in can and bottle returns by local parishioners. As a result, our Council donated $225.00 to the Special Olympics. We would like t thank all those that donated their “empties” to this worthy cause and a special thanks to members Roddy Turpin and Kievan Lonergan for coordinating and taking this project on, on behalf of our Council. A job well done!
October 2019 Food Drive |
The Food Drive organized by our Council and supported greatly by our Parish, accomplished a milestone this year. Since we started to record the weight of the non-perishable food donations, we now reached a total of 1,044 lbs. (475 kg.). This is a great achievement and one that has made a lot of people happy. Pictured here is Joan DiFruscia, of the Keene Cupboard, receiving the most recent donations from Deputy Grand Knight, Roddy Turpin of our Council. It is wonderful to be able to share with those less fortunate in our community. Thank you to all those that have participated in this program and given toward to this worthy cause.
New Honorary Life Member |
At the Council meeting of October 8th (2019), John Kaharski, received his Honorary Life Membership Card from Grand Knight, Sir Knight Peter Clancy. This is a momentous occasion, as only Brother Knights that have at least 25 years of continuous service with the Order and have reached the age of 70 years, qualify. Congratulations to John and may he continue to be an inspiration to his fellow Knights.
Member Gets His Badge |
At our October meeting, newer member, Patrick Lynch, receives his Council Name Badge from Grand Knight Peter Clancy. This is yet another way that members are welcomed into the Council and Order. These Name Badges are important because they help members be identified as KofC Members when they wear them outside the Council setting, like at a Parish function or assisting at Mass. Wear your Name Badge proudly Patrick.
Another Member Gets Their Badge |
At our September 10th meeting, Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, had the pleasure of presenting member Bill Keating his name badge from the Council. It is always a special occasion to have to opportunity to further welcome a Knight into our Order. Welcome Brother Bill!
Adopt-A-Road Clean-up 2019 |
Here is a shot of 22 of the 32 who showed up to help clean up Cty. Rd. #35 (Old Keene Rd.) through the hamlet of Assumption on Saturday, April 27th, 2019. This amounted to 80 volunteer hours, accomplished on just the morning of April 27th, 2019.
Thank you to all those who help this weekend with our “Annual Adopt-a-Road Cleanup”. It was great to see so many out, especially with the weather conditions as miserable as they were. This is our 13th year of cleaning up the same stretch of road and every year we have proven we can and are making a difference to our community and the environment.
Council members Mike O’Neil, Marten Corkery & Jim Zister worked on a southern route and like everyone this particular morning, kept smiling through the wind and snow. In the past there have been raining days, but this year’s clean-up was likely the toughest weather conditions yet.
Kerri Obrien, Nate Obrien, Karen Crough, Riley Crough, Rob Crough were working to the north coming in to Assumption and were all smiles, but stayed close together (for warmth) on this windy, cold morning. It is only through dedication like this that the job gets done every year.
Member Al Collicutt and his crew worked away on a northern route during the annual road clean-up. They proved yet again that “many hands make light work”.
Here is Grand Knight Peter Clancy and Steve Roskoski loading up the 7’ X 16’ trailer with all the garbage collecting on the morning of April 27th. In total we collected 490 kg (1,103 lb.) worth of material out of the ditches ( 56 bags of garbage and 5 bags of Recycles) along the 9.5 km stretch of County road.
Lenten Food Drive 2019 |
During the Lenten Season of 2019 our Council (through the Parish) collected a total of 290 lb. of food (non-perishable) for the local Food Bank. These food donations went a long way in helping those in need during the Easter Season. Thank you to all who gave so generously to this worthy cause.
YMCA “Crossroads” Donation – 2019 |
Once again, our Council has reached out and supported the YMCA “Crossroads” Program this year. The proceeds from the Card Party (Mar.22nd) were donated to this charity. Annually, our Council has supported this worthy cause. This year the amount was $550.00 and pictured here is our Worthy Recorder, Bob O’Brien handing the cheque to Lynn Zimmer on March 26th. Thank you to all our Brother Knights who participate in this and other events we host to raise funds for great causes. Charity is a pillar of our Order!
New Members Join our Council |
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At our March 13th Council Meeting, we were honoured to be able to welcome and present our newest members, Ken English and Colin MacFarlane. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy , shown here after presenting Ken and Colin with their Member’s Name Badges. Wear them proudly Brother Knights and welcome aboard!
2019 Substance Abuse Poster Contest Winners |
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St. Patrick’s School once again had several classes participate in the annual K of C Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest and the four winners for the different age categories are shown here, (L to R) Hailey Price (Alcohol Awareness 11-13 yr. olds), Jenna Witzing (Drug Awareness 11-13 yr. olds), Myla Boulton (Alcohol Awareness 8-10 yr. olds) and Kayden Desormeau (Drug Awareness 8-10 yr. olds). On hand for the certificate awards were (L to R) Council Member, Roddy Turpin, Grand Knight, Peter Clancy and Council Chaplain, Msgr. Mike Heffernan. These were awarded at a school assembly earlier this year. Congratulations to all the students that participated, as it was difficult as usual, to just pick four winners. This is a great way to promote awareness of the evils of drugs and alcohol.
Annual District Basketball Free Throw Competition |
On February 2nd (2019), your Council was involved in helping run the annual District Basketball Free Throw Competition in Norwood. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, Past-GK, Rick Stankiewicz and newest member, Ken English (all pictured here), were on hand to participate in this event. You can tell from the smiles it was a successful morning at St. Paul’s School in Norwood.
District #29 held its annual Basketball Free Throw Competition at St. Paul’s School in Norwood on Saturday, February 2nd (2019). Five of six Councils from the District had members on hand to lend a hand. Pictured here are 9 of the 11 winners (front row) in the days competition. The back row of smiling faces are just some of the 13 Council members that participated from Ennismore, Douro, Assumption, Campbellford and Norwood. This event was organized and run by District Warden, John Kartes, of Norwood Council #8287 (2nd from left). It is always great to see Knights involved with youth activities and community events. The winners from this level will be going on to the Regional’s in Peterborough on Sunday, February 24th. Good luck to everyone involved.
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest |
Leading up to Christmas of 2018, students of St. Patrick’s School participated in the “Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest”. Winners in three age categories were awarded their certificates and nativity set prizes at a school assembly on December 20th, 2018. Pictured here are Council member Roddy Turpin (back L) and Grand Knight, Sir Knight Peter Clancy, with contest winners (front L to R) Cecily Tate (11-12 yrs), Leah Boulton (8-10 yrs) and Abi Courts (5-7 yrs). There were many great entries and every student that participated received a certificate acknowledging their efforts.
Parish Christmas Dinner 2018 |
Once again, our Council hosted the Parish Christmas Dinner at the Parish Hall on Saturday, December 15th. Almost 80 people came out to support this Parish event and everyone was treated to a wonderful meal of turkey with all the trimmings. Even though the Council hosts the event, all parishioners were welcomed to attend. There were door prizes for a many of those in attendance. The prizes were provided by local businesses and the generous contributions of those who organized this event. Thank you to our members who hustled to get donations and to our Grand Knight, Peter Clancy (who MC’d) and his lovely wife, Wanda, for making the hall a beautifully festive affair. The after dinner guest speaker was Council Member, Patrick Lynch. He gave an informative and entertaining talk on the role that agriculture plays in our lives and its importance to Ontario and Canadian economy. All in all, a great evening of fellowship with the Parish Community. This event was also the first opportunity to unveil our Council’s new pull-up banner. Picture here on center stage at the dinner. The messaging displayed speaks volumes about out Council and Order and for what we represent.
Keep Christ in Christmas Campaign |
Our Council once again supported the District #29 Keep Christ in Christmas Campaign by donating their share to the roadside sign rental during the month of December (2018) to advertise our support for this important Christmas message. This sign is located on Hwy#28, south of the intersection with Cty. Rd.#4 and is a great way to reach out to all those that need reminding about the “reason for the season”.
Card Party Success! |
The Council held our annual fall card party and it was another successful event. With a Parish Hall full of participates eager to play cards and good organizers and members involved, it just had to good well. Over $400 was raised for the YWCA “Cross Roads” Shelter for women in crisis and need. This included private donations on the night of the card party. What a great show of support for such a worthy cause.
Pictured here is our Council’s Worthy Recorder, Sir Knight Bob O’Brien, presenting a cheque to Cross Roads, Peterborough in November of this year (2018). Bob and many other members put a lot of time and effort into holding these events and we all appreciate their dedication and commitment to furthering the good of our Order, as charity is the first pillar on which we stand.
An Act of Remembrance |
On November 18th, the Village of Keene held their Remembrance Day Ceremony at the cenotaph. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy was part of this ceremony and he represented our Council by laying a wreath on our behalf. It is important that we never forgot those that have served and continue to serve our country. Many have paid the supreme sacrifice, “Lest we forget”. Not everyone knows that the Fourth Pillar of our Order is, “Patriotism”. As a 4th Degree Sir Knight, Peter knows this well. Thank you Peter for continuing to represent our Council and the Order and that for which it stands.
Special Olympics Bottle Drive |
For the month of October (2018) the Council held our annual bottle drive for Special Olympics by asking anyone to donate by dropping their used alcohol or liquor bottles off in a trailer located out front of the Parish Hall. By the end of October there had been over $225 raised for a great cause. We would like to thank all those that not only run this fundraiser by tirelessly give their time and equipment to make this work, but also all those people who donate their cans and bottles for this great cause. These funds go a long way in supporting those that face many challenges in our communities
Thanksgiving (October) Food Drive |
It was another successful effort on behave of the Council and our Parish to support the annual food drive in October. Over 110 lbs. of non-perishable food was collected and donated at the Food Bank in Keene. What a great way to support our community in a tangible and meaningful way. Pictured here is member Roddy Turpin and Grand Knight, Peter Clancy as they prepare to collect the last of the food donations for the drive. Thank you to all those that donated to this year’s efforts.
Parish Dinner – 2018 |
September 22nd was the annual Parish Dinner and the day was a perfect one. The weather was picture perfect and people came out in droves to support us.
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Council member, Mike O’Neill and his wife Pauline, did their shift at the door as people came to fill-up on a great home cooked meal.
The Parish Hall was filled throughout the afternoon. It was little wonder, given the choice of roast beef and pork with a huge selection of pies for dessert. Hundreds were served add another successful Parish Dinner was had by Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. Many thanks to all the parishioners, CWL members and members of the Parish Knights of Columbus, without all your help this day would not have been as successful as it was.
St. Joseph’s Parish in Douro 125th Anniversary |
On June 10th St. Joseph’s Parish in Douro celebrated their 125th Anniversary. At the 11:00 a.m. Mass there was a special recognition of the Parish’s milestone event. Bishop Daniel Miehm celebrated the Mass with ten other clergy, some of whom have served the Parish community over the years. The 4th Degree Honour Guard of the Knights of Columbus flank the Bishop and clergy after the service at the front steps of the church (pictured here). The Honour Guard included a couple members from our Council #14032 (G.K. Peter Clancy and P.G.K. Rick Stankiewicz), who were pleased to be part of this momentous occasion within District#29.
Annual Road Clean-up |

Saturday, April 28th, 2018, was a near perfect morning for cleaning up the stretch of Cty. Rd.#35 through Assumption, from Hwy#7 to Cty. Rd.#2.
As always, there was a great turnout of volunteers to work on this project. Pictured here are just twelve of the 35 total that participated this year. You can tell by the faces of these five Knights, some of their children and grandchildren, that this is a real feel good project that many of us look forward to every year. Our Council would like to thank every member, parishioner and family member that came out to support this worthwhile project. It seems clique, but appropriate to say, “Many hands make light work”. Only because there were so many volunteers, could this 9.5 km long road be cleaned in both ditches, in under 2.5 hours. It goes to show what can happen when committed individuals are well organized.
Every spring for over ten years our local Council #14032 has organized a parish/community clean-up. Amazingly, the results are similar year after year. This year, as in the past, about 76 bags of garbage and recycles weighed in at 855 lb. (389 kg). This is great for the environment, but not so good for the landfill site. The Trailer pictured here gives a sense of just how much work goes into cleaning up this road every year.
Council Sponsored ”Spaghetti Dinner” |
The spaghetti dinner run by our Council on Saturday evening, February 17th this year, was a real success. There were about 100 dinners served and more than a $800 profit realized. Many parishioners came out to support this effort, but there were lots of folks from outside our parish too. It is always nice to see surrounding Councils support each other’s events.
Many hands make light work and that was the case this time. Pictured here (top down) were just some of those involved to make this event a success. Our Council Treasurer, Bob Holland and his wife Rhonda, collected/sold tickets at the door, while Judy Pinto, Judy Lukes and Val Collicut cleaned the plates with our Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, Deputy Grand Knight, Patrick Pinto, so that no one had to eat their meal off paper plates and finally, Al Collicut was obviously happy to be serving up dessert for the crowds, while in the background, Robin Creeden and Terry Fitzgerald served the main course. Thank you to all those that participated in any way.
2018 - Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest- Council Results |
- St. Patrick Poster Winners |
On Wednesday, February 7th, there was a special school assembly at St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School, to announce the winners of the annual Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. All participants received a “Certificate of Participation” and the winners in four categories received winning certificates and a prize of $20 each. Pictured here (L to R) are Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, Leanna Kuhne (Age 12-14 Drug Awareness), Hailey Price (Age 8-11 Alcohol Awareness), Ellika Moriarty (Age 12-14 Alcohol Awareness), Mariah Cranley (Age 8-11 Drug Awareness) and Poster Contest Coordinator, Rick Stankiewicz.
- Annual Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
In mid-January, our Council collected the 36 posters that were submitted for the annual Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. These poster all came from the students at St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School, Peterborough. Winners were chosen from two age categories (8-11 & 12-14 yrs) and for either a focus on Alcohol or Drug Abuse. The four winning posters are shown here. The students look forward every year to showing their artistic side and illustrating a message about substance abuse awareness.
New Honorary Life Member |
At the first Council meeting of 2018 (Jan. 9th), our Council’s Worthy Lecturer, Al Collicutt, received his Honorary Life Membership Card from Grand Knight, Sir Knight Peter Clancy. This is a momentous occasion, as only Brother Knights that have at least 25 years of continuous service with the Order and have reached the age of 70 years, qualify. Congratulations to Al and may he continue to be an inspiration to his fellow Knights.
Donations to Worthy Causes |
In December of 2017 our Council donated to a few annual charities. A cheque for $250 was sent to the Arthritis Society. This is a worthy cause that the Knights in Ontario have supported for many years. On a local note, our Council has donated to the YWCA “Crossroads” Program for women in crisis and need. Pictured here is our Worthy Recorder, Sir Knight Bob O’Brien, presenting a cheque for $200 to the YWCA to help with the Crossroads Program. Worthy causes need our support and it is always greatly appreciated.
Keeping Christ in Christmas |
.png) |
During December of 2017 the five Councils of District#29 once again pulled together to support a billboard campaign to "Keep Christ in Christmas". All Councils helped fund the above sign and message on the billboard facing north on Cty. Rd.#34 (south of the Warsaw corner). This sign and it's inspiring message were truly visible 24-hours a day throughout the Christmas season as it was even lit-up at night (as shown here). We shall never know the numbers of people touched by this message for the season, but the beauty and timeliness of the message is undeniable.
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest |
Sir Knight Mike Malloy ran the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest again this fall and had an amazing response from the principal, teachers and students of St. Patrick’s School. It was a tough job to get all the entries down to a manageable number for the final judging. At the December 12th Council meeting, all member present cast their votes for the winners in the three age categories. Shown here are members Bob Holland and Robin Creeden voting for their favourite posters. There were some great entries.
Once the voting was completed there was a special school assembly to announce the winners of the Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest was held on December 15th. Pictured here are the winners of the three age categories with their certificates and prizes of a nativity set. From L to R, Leah Boulton (Age 8-10), Grand Knight Peter Clancy, Myla Boulton (Age 5-7), Mike Malloy and Leanna Kuhne (Age 11-14). What a great way to celebrate the Christmas Season. Congratulations to not only the winners, but all those that participated in this contest.
Another Successful Card Party |
On November 17th, the Council members held another very successful fundraising Card Party. Euchre players from around the area converged on the Parish Hall to try their skill and luck at the progressive game of cards. Thank you to all who supported this semi-annual "party". A special thanks to Council members, Bob O'Brien, Robin Creedon, Pat Scott, Jack Marchen, Bernie Sheehan, Bill Keating, Tim Zister, Terry Fitzgerald and Rick Stankiewicz, for playing their roles in making this event a success.
Remembrance Day Parade |
The Village of Keene held their annual Remembrance Day Parade downtown to the cenotaph and once again our Council was represented by our Grand Knight, Sir Knight Peter Clancy. As the fourth pillar of our Order is “Patriotism”, there is no better time to show this that during the annual honouring of those that have gone before us to protect our freedoms.
Council #14032 Grand Knight, Sir Knight Peter Clancy, is shown with the wreath he laid at the Keene cenotaph during the Remembrance Day ceremony. Thank you for representing our Council and good of our Order at this annual event.
October Food Drive |
The month of October was another successful effort by our Council to raise donations for the Keene Food Bank Drive in 2017. As pictured here Monsignor Mike and 16 members of our Council at the front of the church with some of the fruits of our labours. A big thanks to all those in the Parish who donated to this worthy cause.
Special Olympics Bottle Drive - 2017 |
For the third year in a row, the month of October has seen a fundraiser for the Special Olympics. A trailer is parked outside the Parish Hall and our Council has collected donations of cans & bottles that are returned to the Beer Store to raise funds. Hundreds of dollars every year are raised to this way. We would like to thank all those that not only run this fundraiser by tirelessly give their time and equipment to make this work, but also all those people who donate their cans and bottles for this great cause. These funds go along way in supporting those that face many challenges in our communities
Parish Dinner - 2017 |
On Saturday, September 23rd, the Parish held its annual Roast Beef/Pork Dinner and our Council members were once again busy assisting in many ways. Beside members of the Parish CWL and other members of the Parish everyone played their part in making this event a success. Deputy Grand Knight, Patrick Pinto is pictured here carving up the roasts at the dinner, as he has done for years with great skill. Patrick knows how to cut it. Thank you to all those that helped in any way for this big Parish event. Many hands make light work and this days proves it.
Garage Sale |
The annual Garage Sale was held on Saturday, May 13th and was another successful activity for the Council. Thanks to those community members who supported the sale and to those members who worked tirelessly to collect, set-up, sell and cleanup for this event. Start saving for next year!
Annual Road Clean-up |
The Road Clean-up for our Council was held on Saturday morning of May 6th, 2017. There was a great turnout of volunteers (22 pictured here) to clean the garbage and recycles from County Rd.35 (Old Keene Rd.). A big Thank You to all who participated in this important environmental event for our local community. For over 10 years this activity has been spearheaded by our Council. It has become a great way to involve families, friends, parishioners and community members for a worthy cause.
Work crews worked the shoulders and ditches to pickup dozens of bags of garbage and recyclable materials. The weather was not the best this year, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of these hardy souls.
This flatbed trailer loaded with bags is the result of the 2017 Road Clean-up. It is amazing to think that every year about this amount of garbage & recycles comes off the same stretch of road, at the same time of year. More than half of this material is recyclable and should not be picked off the road in any case.
Special Olympics Flag Relay |
The 2017 SO Flag Relay was a great success as the flags made their way around the Province, including District#29. Our Council was the recipient of the flag on April 30th and after the 9:00 a.m. Mass there was a social and signing opportunity at the Parish Hall. Pictured here is Grand Knight, Peter Clancy signing the flag. Events like these are a great way to raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause of the KofC, as it has been for decades.
Thank you to all those that has supported and continue to support our local efforts for the Special Olympics (Bottle Drives, etc.).
District Basketball Free Throw |
On February 4th Norwood Council (#8287) hosted the Annual District#29 Basketball Free Throw competition and our Council was involved in running the mornings event. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy (seated) helped score the shooters, along with Mike Romard of Ennismore Council. The winners in each age category went on to the Regional’s held in Oshawa on February 25th.
Parish Food Drive |
The winter Parish Food Drive was a success, according to the smiles on the faces of these Council members.
Holy Family Icon Display |
On the weekend of February 18th and 19th our Parish was blessed to have a copy of the Holy Family Icon on display at the front of the church. This was one of 11 such Papal blessed icons that have been circulating around the province as part of an annual Knights of Columbus icon program that has continued for many years. The month of February 2017 was the timeframe that District#29 had an icon to circulate between the 5 District Councils and their associated Parishes. This program is always well received and was a perfect time to reflect upon and pray for all our families.
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest |
This past January (2017) Grand Knight, Peter Clancy and District Deputy for #29, Rick Stankiewicz, awarded the winners of the "Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest" from last December. Dozens of students from St. Patrick's Elementary School participated in the contest. There were winners in all three age categories. Pictured here is Ellika Moriarty (Ages 11-14) holding her winning poster as Peter holds her Winner's Certificate and Rick her nativity set, for her prize. Avery Pick (Ages 8-10) displays her poster and winnings, as does Cole Cavanagh (Ages 5-7).
Annual District#29 Memorial Mass |
The annual District#29 Memorial Mass was hosted this year by Council #11486 (Douro) at St. Joseph’s Parish on Sunday, November 6th, 2016. This Mass and Service were in memory of all the deceased members of the Knights of Columbus in District#29, as well as a memorial to all the men and women that serve and protect us and our freedom through both our military and emergency services. District#29 includes the five Knights Councils of Norwood/Havelock, Ennismore, Douro, Lakefield/Kawartha Lakes and Assumption/Keene. All five Councils supported and participated in this year’s service. The above image captures the members of the 4th Degree Honour Guard with members from both the Sir Knight Aubrey Allen and Bishop Marrocco Assemblies of Peterborough. The Colour Corp Commander was Sir Knight Stephan Meinhardt (purple cape). In the gold cape was Former Master, Sir Knight Bob Lafleche. The Colour Guard was provided by members of the Douro Council. In the centre front row (L to R) is District Deputy, Sir Knight Rick Stankiewicz, Wreath Bearer and Korean War Veteran, Bro. Peter Doherty and Celebrant, Father Peter Wayow. It is an honour and privilege to recognize all those that give so much and have gone before us and especially those that have given the supreme sacrifice.
Fundraiser for Special Olympics |
During the month of October there was a fundraiser for Special Olympics by way of a “bottle drive”. Parishioners and the community were very supportive once again of this deserving program by dropping off their liquor and beer containers. By the end of this year’s effort, $300 was raised from the bottles donated and turned into the Beer Store. What a great way to support a worthy cause and with little sacrifice. Thank you to all those that donated and to those that put the effort into collecting and dealing with the returns.
Annual Parish Supper |
The Parish Supper was held on September 24th, 2016, and the whole parish got behind the effort. It was a full hall for most of the evening as the Parish and community came out to support this annual event. It was hard to tell what people look forward to the most, the selection of homemade pies or the succulent roast beef and pork.
One of the many driving forces behind this year’s Parish Dinner was our Worthy Deputy Grand Knight, Patrick Pinto. For many years now he has taken the role as “Head Carver”. No matter how you cut it, he’s an important part of this dinners success. Along with all the other volunteers, Thanks for your efforts.
Parish Live Auction |
The members of Council #14032 had a successful Parish Live Auction on the afternoon of Sunday, June 26th. Thanks to Knight Jack Marchen, for spearheading the event and all those members who played a role in making the day what it was. There were many happy bidders and many were well fed too, with the sausages that were served up outside the Parish Hall.
In conjunction with the auction, tickets had been sold leading up to the big day and the prizes were a kayak and gift certificates for meat from Otonabee Meats. The draw took place at the Parish Hall on the 26th. The winner of 1st Place (kayak), was Marlene Fitzgerald (pictured here enjoying her new prize). The 2nd and 3rd place winners of the meat certificates were Renee Tzineurakis and Jacob Creeden. A big, “Thank you” to all those that supported this semi-annual event as a Council fundraiser to enable the Knights of Columbus to continue their good works in the Parish and community.
Special Awards of Recognition |
At the last Council meeting of the fraternal year, on June 14th, some special awards of recognition were handed out by Grand Knight, Peter Clancy. Here the Worthy Council Chaplain, Msgr. Michael Heffernan receives a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of all he does for the Parish and Council throughout the year.
Newest member to the Council, Mike O’Neill, is presented his 1st Degree Certificate, by G.K. Peter Clancy. Welcome to the Order Mike, we will all be better for it.
Annual Yard Sale |
Saturday, May 14th, was the annual yard sale held by our Council at the Parish Hall. It was a good thing to have indoors this year, as the weather was wet and cold outside. The weather did not stop people from showing up to support the efforts of the Council and getting some real deals at the same time. We would like to thank all the parishioners that contributed/donated toward the items on offer. Over a dozen members helped make this sale a success, through their volunteering of time and effort, both on the day and beforehand. Besides raising over $500 for the Council, all unsold items were taken to Vinnie's (St. Vincent de Paul) to further benefit those in the greater community.
Annual Road Cleanup |
Most of the Council members, parishioners, friends and family that participated at this year's Road Cleanup
On Saturday, May 7th, the day was perfect for the 30+ volunteers who came out to roll up their sleeves and participate in the annual Adopt-a-Road cleanup of County Road #35 (Old Keene Road). Council #14032 has organized this annual event, but it is their fellow parishioners, friends and family that get involved every year to clean the ditches of this 9.5 km stretch of road. This year they collected 51 bags of garbage and 9 bags of recycles. The total weight of everything collected was 360kg (810lbs.) Unfortunately, this was an increase over last year's collection, but it was a beautiful rain-free day and the bugs were less frequent than the garbage at least. What a great community project to show how much we care for the environment. Thank you to all those that participated in this year's event.
District #29 Clergy Appreciation Dinner |
Friday, April 15th, was the annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner for the clergy of the five Councils in District #29. This year, Council #10665 (Ennismore) hosted the evening. Bishop Wm. McGrattan was in attendance (centre in this photo) and was the keynote speaker after dinner. A capacity crowd of close to 100 people attended. Mostly Council members and their spouses supported this event, which not only honoured the clergy in this corner of the Peterborough Diocese, but also each Council contributed equally toward a donation of $500.00 to the Priest's Retirement Fund, through the Good Sheppard Foundation.
Members of our Council had the opportunity to spend some time with His Excellency, Bishop William McGrattan. On the left is Worthy Inside Guard, Vern O’Brien, on the right is Worthy Recorder, Sir Knight Bob O’Brien and Former District Deputy, Sir Knight Barry Lecour.
Special Olympics Flag Relay |
District Deputy, Rick Stankiewicz (L) and Grand Knight, Peter Clancy proudly hold up the flag that people have been signing since January this year. This is a reminder of the awareness and support for the Special Olympics across Ontario.
The week of February 29th to March 6th, was the timeframe that District#29 participated in the Special Olympics Flag Relay. During this week there were opportunities with the five Councils in the District to raise funds, awareness of and the actual flag of the Special Olympics (those with intellectual disabilities). There are 6 flags touring the province as part of this relay. All the flags that are being signed will be at the Championship Games in Durham Region this spring. On March 5th, after the 5:00 p.m. Mass, there was a Council sponsored opportunity to sign the flag and logbook at the Church Hall. The flag and book were available for parishioners to see and sign. A social followed the signing event.
State Charity Lottery Tickets |
Council members have been selling State Charity Lottery tickets at places like the local market on weekends, to raise funds for a variety of charities in the province. Some of these include the Arthritis Foundation and the Special Olympics. Pictured here are Trustee, Kievan Lonergan (L), with Grand Knight, Peter Clancy about to make a sale.
Card Party |
On February 19th, there was a card party held at the Parish Hall hosted by our Council. The numbers might have been down a bit, but the enthusiasm was high. A good time was had by all and a big tip of the hat to all those members who helped out to make this event a success.
District#29 Basketball Free Throw Competition |
On the morning of Saturday, February 6th, the District#29 Basketball Free Throw Competition was held in Norwood and hosted by Council #8287. The Assumption-Keene Council did not have any children involved in the competition, but Grand Knight, Peter Clancy helped run the District Level event (shown seated and scoring a participant). There were dozens of children from around Dsitrict#29 who had previously won at the Local/Council Level. This competition determined the winners in seven age categories for both boys and girls. The 13 finalists at this level qualify to go on to the Regional Level in Oshawa on February 20th. Also pictured are 11 of the 13 finalists for the day, after receiving their medals of achievement. Host Council organizer, John Kartes (Former District Deputy), is at the left end of the row and current District Deputy, Rick Stankiewicz is at the right hand side. This is a great annual event to involve the youth of any Council.
Spaghetti Dinner |
After Mass on February 6th, the Council offered a spaghetti dinner to those who signed up for the event. There was a good turnout of around 80 people. It was a very successful dinner and was enjoyed by all. Hopefully this means there will be other opportunities in the future for those that missed out on this hearty and delicious meal. Shown here are Council Advocate, Robin Creedon and Outside Guard , Terry Fitzgerald serving some of the parishioners who supported this initiative.
New LED lights |
In an attempt to save energy and resources for the Parish, a few Knights from Assumption Parish helped switch over the old lighting at the altar to new LED lights (Jan. 23, 2016). Fellow Knights, Bob O'Brien (Recorder) and Al Collicutt, hold samples of both the "new and the old" fixtures. The accompanying image shows Al holding the ladder for Rob Crough (Financial Secretary), as he does the lighting installation high above the altar. A debt of gratitude to those members of the Council who help, when help is needed
Winners of the 2015 -"Keep Christ In Christmas Poster Contest" |
On January 15th, following a Mass at St. Patrick's Catholic School, the winners of the 2015 -"Keep Christ In Christmas Poster Contest" were announced at an assembly of the school body in the School auditorium. Out of 75 students that participated in the contest this year, there were winners in all three categories. The winners were Leah Boulton (Age 5-7 years), Reid Cherwaty (Age 8-10 years) & Mair Veter-Gunter (Age 11-14 years). The picture above shows the students with their winning entries between Council Chancellor, Mike Malloy (L), who ran the program this year, with Grand Knight, Peter Clancy and Chaplain, Monsignor Michael Heffernan (R).
Keep Christ in Christmas |
Our Council (#14032) has supported the District#29 effort to advertize the "Keep Christ in Christmas" billboard campaign again this year. Coordinated by Douro (Council #11486) for the five Councils in the District, this message is displayed along Hwy#28 (between Keene and Lakefield), just south of the Warsaw turn. It is a beautiful message and image of the Holy Family during the month of December. Merry Christmas to all!
A Knight's Christmas Dinner |
On the evening of Friday, December 8th, our Council host their annual Christmas Dinner. It was a near capacity crowd with close to 90 seats filled. Young and old alike had an evening of socializing and all were treated to a mouth watering buffet of turkey with all the trimmings. Even though the Council hosts the event, all parishioners were welcomed to attend. There were door prizes for a majority of those in attendance. The prizes were provided by local businesses and the generous contributions of those who organized this event.
Also pictured is the grand prize draw winner of a barbecue, meat, cooler and utensils, Irene Jones. Pictured with Irene is Sir Knight, Barry Lecour, the draw promoter and organizer. It was a successful event and fun was had by all. To avoid missing out, be sure to get your tickets early next year.
Annual Blood Donor Clinic |
The annual Blood Donor Clinic hosted by Council#14032 was held this year on November 14th, 2015. Numbers might not be huge, but every drop counts and here are a couple images that show the driving force in the Assumption-Keene Council for this initiative, Rob Crough (Financial Secretary), with Grand Knight, Peter Clancy welcomed donors on the day. Also pictured, is Council member Pat Scott (Trustee), who rolled up his sleeve for the greater good! Thank you for your efforts gentlemen. For those that might not think of it, if you are personally are not able to give for the cause (lots of reasons for this), then bring along someone who can. Also, if you can't make the annual clinic, you can give anytime and simply register to have your donations automatically be credited to the Council#14032 Drive. "It's in you to give!
Veteran's Memorial Service - Keene |
The Saturday following Remembrance Day (November 15th), is the annual veterans service for Otonabee-South Monaghan Township. This is when wreathes are marched through downtown Keene to be laid at the local cenotaph. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, represented the Knights of Columbus and Council#14032 at this ceremony.
District#29 Memorial Mass - Douro |
Annually, on the closest Sunday to Remembrance Day (this year Nov. 8th), one of the five Councils of District#29 hosts the Memorial Mass for deceased members of each Council and for our veterans. This year was hosted by Council#11486 in Douro and was held at St. Joseph's Church. Pictured here is Grand Knight, Joe Sweeney at the lectern, with a 4th Degree Honour Guard to the left.
Also pictured in front of the alter after Mass, are the Colour Guard/Flag Bearers for the service, (L to R) consisting of Bro. Knight Jeremy Stillman, Bro. Knight Deacon Paul Dunford, Veteran/Wreath Bearer Joe Sullivan, Bro. Knight Greg Holland, Bro. Knight Bryan O'Grady and Celebrant/Council Chaplain, Fr. Sanyatson Seshaiah. Thank you to all the Councils members who participted in this year's memorial.
October Bottle Drive |
The month of October was a Bottle Drive to raise funds for both Special Olympics and our local ball diamond. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, is showing just some of the success of this parish and community effort to recycle and contribute to a couple great causes. Hundreds of dollars were raised in this month long drive. Our Council would like to thank all those who contributed or participated in any way to this effort. Keep saving those empties until next year, as we are sure to do this project again with even greater results.
Annual Parish Dinner |

On Saturday, September 19th, Our Lady of the Assumption Parish held their annual Beef and Pork Dinner to hundreds of hungry guests. Many members of the CWL and our Council participated to make this event the success it was. Pictured here are images of the set-up involved for this year's dinner. Deputy Grand Knight, Patrick Pinto and CWL member, Aileen Doris, prepare for the start of the dinner with all the wonderful pies that were offered for dessert. Meanwhile, Grand Knight, Peter Clancy and Council member, Tim Hawkes, help set the tables. A big "Thank you" to all those who contributed in any way to this year's dinner.
Knight's Mass & Muffin Social |
On Sunday, September 13th, Council #14032 had a Mass said for all the members of the Knights of Columbus at 9:00 a.m. at Our Lady of the Assumption Church. Members of the Council helped with the Mass and afterwards, hosted a muffin social at the Parish Hall for all those in attendance. Pictured here are just some of the parishioners who enjoyed some social time with friends and family after Mass. Thank you to all the Knights who were involved in this event.
Installation of the executive for Council #14032 |
The installation of the executive for Council #14032 took place after Mass
on the evening of September 1st. The District Deputy for District #29, Rick
Stankiewicz (front left), officiated the ceremony for the 2015/16 fraternal
year, along with Acting District Warden, Paul Yasyszczuk (not shown).
Council Chaplain, Monsignor Michael Heffernan and Grand Knight, Peter Clancy
are also in the front row. The rest of the installed executive are shown
behind, along with some Council members who stood-in for missing executive
Our Lady of the Assumption baseball diamond Upgrades |
On July 12th, our Council's Worthy Financial Secretary, Rob Crough, enlisted the help of a work crew to repair the team benches at the Our Lady of the Assumption baseball diamond by digging them back in the ground. Many years of neglect have left the old benches and one of the fence posts in disrepair, as they had been severely affected by frost heaving. For both safety and maintenance reasons, the repaired benches and post will go a long way in servicing the ballpark for future use. Pictured here are Rob (with shovel) and Charlie Leahy, on the loader. Others helping this day included Rob's son, Riley. The good works of these gentlemen are greatly appreciated.
Knight's Mass & Muffin Social |
On Sunday, May 17th, Council #14032 had a Mass said for all the members of the Knights of Columbus at 10:30 a.m. at St. John the Evangelist, Keene. Members of the Council helped with the Mass and afterwards, hosted a muffin social for all in attendance. It was a perfect morning for the event and dozens of parishioners participated. Pictured here are Brother Knights, Jack Marchen (centre background), Rick Stankiewicz and Peter Clancy serving up refreshments to their fellow parishioners. Thank you to all the Knights who were involved in this event.
Roses For Life Campaign |
During all Masses of the Mother's Day weekend (May 9/10th) "Roses For Life Campaign" stickers were handed out. Members of Council #14032 were outside the church to give out the roses and except donations for their Pro-Life efforts. It was heartwarming to see the generous support for the unborn. Grand Knight, Peter Clancy is shown here with parishioner Mary Marrocco, happily supporting this fundraiser for the culture of life.
Garage Sale |
Council Trustee, Bob Brown, was ready, willing and able to help out at this year's K of C sponsored "Parish Garage Sale", on May 9th, to help raise funds for the restoration and maintenance of the Parish Baseball Diamond. A lot of parishioners contributed toward this effort and a big "Thanks" to all those people who cleaned out their garages and to those who donated their time and money for this cause. Well over $600 was raised during this one day event.
10th annual County Rd.#35 "Adopt-A-Road Clean-up" |
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 was the 10th annual County Rd.#35 "Adopt-A-Road Clean-up" for Council #14032. The whole Parish Family really got behind this effort and besides a perfect day for being outside, there was a record number of volunteers with 47 involved. In a little over two hours of effort this crew cleaned 9.5km of roadway of 48 bags of garbage and 18 bags of recycles, making 260 kg of total weight collected. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and the local Country Style Bistro donated refreshments for everyone too. What a great feeling to see the fruits of your efforts. We would like to thank all those that supported this amazingly successful community service program. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Way of the Cross |
Members of our Parish and Council #14032, participated in the Way of the Cross on Good Friday (April 3rd). As part of the procession from St. Peter-in-Chains Cathedral to Immaculate Conception Church, there was an Honour Guard of Knights, including several 4th Degree members of our Council who belong to Bishop Marrocco Assembly #882, that escorted the Religious of the Diocese through the streets of Peterborough. The above picture shows Honour Guard member, Paul Yasyszczuk, (foreground-centre) Faithful Navigator of Assembly #882, Bishop Wm. McGrattan and MPP, Jeff Leal (centre-right), the Religious of the Diocese (Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux with sunglasses) and Council member, Rick Stankiewicz (far left), Past Faithful Navigator of Assembly #882
Holy Thursday |
Members of the Assumption-Keene Council hosted the Holy Thursday evening Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption on April 2nd, with members of the Council participating in many aspects of the Mass, including readings, Eucharistic Ministers, Offertory Collectors and the washing of the feet. Pictured here is the beautiful alter of our Parish during Holy Week. "Thank you" to Wanda Clancy for capturing the all the great images for us during Holy Week (including this one) and throughout the year
Mass of the Chrism |
This year's Chrism Mass was held by the Bishop at St. Peter-in-Chains Cathedral (Peterborough), on March 30th, when all the Religious of the Diocese gather with the Bishop to renew their vows and bless the Holy Oils for use in the coming year. As part of the procession there was a 4th Degree Honour Guard, including members of our Council. After Mass there were opportunities to socialize and renew acquaintances. Pictured here are (L to R) Sir Knight Rick Stankiewicz (PFN, PGK), Sir Knight Fr. Joseph Devereaux (Chaplain), Bishop Wm. McGrattan and Sir Knight Peter Clancy (GK).
Also this same evening Fr. Ante Market was in attendance, on leave for the Easter Season from his studies in Rome. Pictured here are (L to R) Sir Knight Rick Stankiewicz, Fr. Ante Market, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, and Sir Knight Peter Clancy.
Muffin Social and Pro-Life Peterborough display |
On March 15, 2015, as part of their monthly commitment, the members of the Knights of Columbus Council #14032 of Assumption-Keene participated in various roles during the celebration of the morning Mass. This was followed by a parish social of muffins and refreshments provided free by the Council. Pictured here is the Pro-Life Peterborough display that was set up at the Muffin Social at the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall. The social and the display were appreciated by all those in attendance. This incredibly thoughtful Pro-Life display was provided free of charge and is available for other venues by contacting Tom Mockler at (705) 243-4133.
Over 51 years ago, Peter Clancy was born 2 1/2 months premature. His mother Patricia (shown here with her son) was told by the doctors at the time he would not live, as he spent two months in an incubator at the hospital. His parents did not lose hope or faith in their precious gift from God. They all battled through those early days, months and years for Peter to become the man he is today, an active member of his church and community and Grand Knight of Council #14032. Peter and his mother took the opportunity to stand among the Pro-Life Peterborough display that was set up at the Muffin Social at the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Hall, hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council #14032 of Assumption-Keene, held on March 15, 2015. This is a moving testament to the power of God's creation and a family's will to survive against the odds.
Knights Annual Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
Grand Knight, Peter Clancy from Knights of Columbus Council #14032, is shown here awarding Lorna Farrow a medallion for winning the District Level in the Knights annual Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. Lorna is a student at St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School. Her poster had won the Drug Awareness category for the 12 to 14 year olds last month and went on to win the District level amongst all those who competed from the affiliated schools in the Assumption, Douro, Norwood, Lakefield and Ennismore areas. Lorna's entry now goes on to compete at the Regional Level. Mr. Clancy congratulated and wished her luck during a school assembly on Friday, February 27th, 2015.
2014 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
The 2014 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest was a success this year, with a total of 26 students, in three classrooms, participating from St. Patrick's Elementary School. Pictured here are 12 of those students from Mr. Murduff's class after having received their Participation Certificates from Grand Knight of Council#14032, Peter Clancy. It was nice to see such a good variety of entries this year.
Pictured here, are the winners of the 2014 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest for the Assumption-Keene Council #14032. On the, left, for the Age 12-14 for Drug Abuse Awareness category, is Lorna Farrow and on the right is MacKenzie Lunn, for the Age 8-11 Alcohol Abuse Awareness category. On February 3rd, 2015, Grand Knight Peter Clancy, awarded each with a winners certificate and a cheque for $25. Congratulations Lorna and MacKenzie and all the best in your advancement to the District Level competition.
Chili Supper |
On January 17th, at the 5:00 p.m. Mass, the Council of #14032 were involved with the celebration of the Mass, by providing a flag procession to the altar, doing the readings and being a Eucharistic Minister. The Mass was offered up for the Knights of Columbus and their families. After Mass the parishioners were invited to the Parish hall for a free Chili Supper that was prepared, and served by the Knights. Pictured here (L to R) are Deputy Grand Knight, Patrick Pinto, and Advocate, Robin Creeden, serving up a bowl of chili to parishioner, Emmanual Pinto.
As part of the free Chili Supper provided after the evening Mass on January 17th, 2015, the Council requested that all those in attendance bring a non-perishable food item for donation to the Food Bank in Keene. The dozens of parishioners, friends and family that attended responded with a good show of support of this important community effort in caring for the less fortunate.
2014 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
At the January 13th Council meeting, members like Grand Knight Peter Clancy pictured here, took some time to review and judge the 26 entries in the 2014 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. Grade 6 and 7 students from St. Patrick Catholic School in Peterborough participated in this year's contest. Winners of the Council Level will be announced before the end of January and will go to the District Level competition.
Annual Christmas Dinner |
On Saturday, December 8th, 2014, Council#14032 held their annual Christmas Dinner. It was well attended and was opened up to the Parish. Everyone in attendance had a good meal, a chance for prizes and a chance to socialize.
Peterborough YWCA Crossroads Safe Haven Campaign |
In December, 2014, Council Recorder, Bob O'Brien, personally presented Lynn Zimmer of the Peterborough YWCA Crossroads Safe Haven Campaign, a cheque for $150 to assist women in need with in our community. The Crossroads Shelter helps women who suffer from domestic violence and they are trying to raise money for a new facility.
Keep Christ in Christmas |
Our Council contributed to the annual District#29 effort to "Keep Christ in Christmas", by donating $200 along with the other Councils in the District, toward the billboard on County Road #28, south and west of the Warsaw turn. This ever important Christmas message ran for the months leading up to Christmas.
Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner |
At the Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner on November 14th, 2014, hosting Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, awarded Pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish and Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, with a certificate of appreciation from the Assumption-Keene Council.
Shown here are the Clergy and Grand Knights in District#29 honoured at the Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner, this year hosted by Assumption-Keene Council #14032 on November 14th, 2014. This well attended event let the five Councils within the District recognize and thank the clergy that work with their respective Councils to serve and dedicate themselves to the members of their parishes. (Front row L to R) Field Agent Gerry Connolly, Fr. Andrew Broda, Bishop William McGrattan, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, Deacon Paul Dunford and State Representative Kevin Heffernan (Back row) GK Peter Brewer, GK Harry Tasson, Fr. Christopher Reynolds, Fr. Ray Rick, Fr. Ken Rae, Fr. Craig Cruikshank, GK Paul Young, GK Bob Condon and GK Peter Clancy.
Annual District#29 Memorial Mass |
On November 9th, 2014, members of the Assumption-Keene Council and the Bishop Marrocco Assembly participated in the annual District#29 Memorial Mass. This year the Mass was hosted by Lakefield Council at St. Paul's Church. Pictured here (L to R) are the flag bearers for the service from the RCMP, Cadets, wreath bearer along with District Deputy for District#29, Paul Yasyszczuk , hosting Grand Knight, Peter Brewer and Peterborough Police officer. Thank you to those members who participated in this service.
Tootsie Roll Campaign |
Halloween marked the end of our Council’s sale of Tootsie Rolls for another year. In time for the trick-or-treaters, the sale of dozens of cases meant that hundreds of dollars were raised for people with intellectual disabilities. Through the efforts of many members of our Council, these candies were offered after many Masses during the month of October. Pictured here (L to R) are Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, Recorder, Bob O’Brien and Financial Secretary, Rob Crough during one many efforts to support this worthy cause. Thank you to all those that supported this years campaign.
New Washroom Facilities |
New washroom facilities were installed at the back of the church this past fall (2014) and our Council donated $500 toward the cause. Pictured here is our Council Recorder, Bob O'Brien, working on some of the renovation on October 23, 2014.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Icon |
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Icon visited our Parish from October 11th to the 17th and there were special devotions through this period. The Knights of Columbus Immaculate Conception Marian Prayer Program honours the central place the Blessed Virgin Mary holds in the life of our Order and the historic devotion that has been afforded to the Immaculate Conception.
Bottle Drive |
For the month of October, 2014, there is a K of C sponsored "Bottle Drive" in support of the Special Olympics. Starting the weekend of the 4th through to 26th everyone is encouraged to bring their empties to any Mass and leave them in the trailer provided. The above photo is just one of the many times the trailer was filled with bottles. All proceeds will be given to the Special Olympics. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause.
Special Diocesan Training Session |
On October 4th there was a special Diocesan training session for all Council officers held at The Knights of Columbus Hall (Council #798), in Peterborough. Over 30 members attended from around the Peterborough area. This training was well received and appreciated by all those that attended. It is hoped that any future training will be attended by all Council executive in the Diocese. Thank you to all those that participated at this training and contributed to it’s success.
Annual Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Dinner |
The annual Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Dinner was held on Saturday, September 27th at the parish hall. It was a great success with almost 400 beef/pork dinners being served and raising over $5,700 in profits for the Parish.. This event really draws parishioners and the community together with people supporting the effort by either volunteering their time and talents or sitting down to have dinner. Many members of our local Council #14032 worked and supported this worthwhile cause in raising money for the parish. One of those central figures was Deputy Grand Knight, Patrick Pinto (pictured here), who carved up the roasts for all to enjoy. Everyone’s help in any way contributed was gratefully appreciated.
This year’s draw prize winners were: 1st prize – $700 – Kim Jones; 2nd prize – $150 - Blyth Morlock; 3rd prize – $50 – Debi Godin.
We hope to see everyone back next year for another afternoon of rewarding fellowship and support of our parish.
7th Annual Blood Donour Clinic |
September 27th 2014 was the 7th Annual Blood Donour Clinic of the Assumption-Keene Council #14032. Pictured here are some of the Council members that came out to support this “life giving” effort at the Canadian Blood Services Office in Peterborough. Shown here are (L to R) the event organizer, Rob Crough, with Rick Stankiewicz reaching his 25th blood donation and Grand Knight, Peter Clancy. They all agreed it doesn’t hurt to give a little of yourself for those in need. A big “Thank you” to all those that came out to literally give of themselves. Just a reminder that you don’t need to wait until next year to donate blood because if you are eligible to donate, you can normally do so every 56 days and have it shown as a donation on behalf of your Council. It’s in you to give!
September 9th Meeting – Installation of Officers |
A proud Past Grand Knight, Francis Walsh, was awarded a plaque and pin for his past years of service to the Council by the current Grand Knight, Peter Clancy. Thank you Francis for your dedication to our Council and The Order.
Grand Knight Peter Clancy (centre), welcomes newly appointed District Warden for District #29, Rick Stankiewicz (R) and District Deputy, Paul Yasyszczuk (L), to Council #14032 for the Installation of Officers for the current Fraternal Year.
At the September 9th meeting of Council #14032, a full slate of officers were installed for the 2014/15 fraternal year was conducted by the District Deputy for District #29, Paul Yasyszczuk. Left to right (Front Row) are Rick Stankiewicz – Lecturer, Bob O’Brien – Recorder, Fr. Joseph Devereaux – Chaplain, Peter Clancy - Grand Knight, Paul Yasyszczuk – District Deputy, Rob Crough - Financial Secretary, Bob Holland – Treasurer (Back Row) Francis Walsh – Past Grand Knight, Robin Creeden – Advocate, Vern O’Brien – Inside Guard, Terry Fitzgerald – Outside Guard, Pat Walsh - 3rd yr. Trustee, Kievan Lonergan – 1st Yr. Trustee, Patrick Pinto - Deputy Grand Knight, Bob Brown – 2nd yr. Trustee, Mike Malloy – Chancellor, and Steve Driscoll – Warden. Congratulations to the new Council Executive for the coming year.
Council Mass and Social |
The Assumption-Keene Council #14032 participated in the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John the Evangelist Church in Keene on July 20th. Afterwards the parishioners were invited to refreshments and social at the back of the church. Shown here are (L to R) Rob Crough (Financial Secretary), Rick Stankiewicz (Past Grand Knight & Lecturer) and Peter Clancy (Grand Knight) serving up the muffins and coffee that were available.
After the 10:30 a.m. Mass in Keene at the St. John the Evangelist Mission Church, Council #14032 hosted a social, including refreshments. There was a good uptake by the parishioners to stay after Mass and catch-up with each others summer plans. The lawn behind the sacristy was a perfect place to gather.
Adopt-A-Road Cleanup for 2014 |
The Adopt-A-Road clean-up for County Road#35 was conducted again this spring on May 3rd. About 30 volunteers participated in this years event and helped collect a total of 42 bags of garbage, a mattress, chair and 12 bags of recyclables. The total garbage collected was almost 1000 lbs, which is four times what we collected last year. Thank you to all those that came out to help make a difference in their community, as “many hands make light work
This shows some of the ½ ton of garbage collected off County Road#35 during the spring of 2014
Altar Server Dinner |
On March 17th the Altar Servers for Our Lady of the Assumption Parish were treated by our Council to a dinner at the Carousel Restaurant. There were 29 people in attendance for this event. This was a form of appreciation for all the hard work and dedication these young members of our parish do throughout the year. Pictured here (L to R) Bottom Row - Nathan Tower, Kiegan Dunn, John Paul Beatty, Fergus Devereaux, Joseph Beatty, 2nd Row - Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, 3rd Row - Clare Crowley, Shela Clark, Payton Crough, Liam Doris, Back Row -
Deputy Grand Knight, Peter Clancy, Kevin Holmquist, Maggie Doris, Melissa Corkery, Emmanuel Pinto, Ian Holmquist, Grand Knight, Francis Walsh
Star Council Award |
Knights of Columbus Council #14032 of Assumption-Keene has earned the distinction of Star Council, one of the Knight’s organization’s top awards, 2012-2013 fraternal year. The organization’s headquarters located in New Haven, Connecticut, makes this award available to deserving Councils. The award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of membership recruitment and retention, promotion of the fraternal insurance program, and sponsorship of service-oriented activities for church, community, youth, pro-life and the Order. The award was presented to the membership by The District Deputy for District #29, Paul Yasyszczuk, at a special ceremony held during the first Council meeting on January, 14th, 2014.
“Receiving the Star Council Award is quite an honour for us. We’re extremely proud of this accomplishment,” proclaimed Grand Knight, Francis Walsh, pictured (centre) above.”
YMCA Crossroads Shelter Program Cheque Presentation |
In mid-December 2013, the Worthy Chancellor for our Council, Bob O’Brien, presented a cheque to the Lynn Zimmer, Executive Director of the YMCA Crossroads Shelter Program on behalf of Council #14032. Annually our Council has donated to this worthy local community cause that helps support women and children escaping domestic violence. This shelter gives those in crisis a safe place to turn 24 hours a day, all year long. Here women and their children can depend on security, privacy, warmth, nutritious meals and healing programs to give those in need the strength to start their lives again.
Parish Christmas Dinner |
On December 7th, 2013, the Council hosted a Parish Christmas Dinner and Social that was very well attended. This annual event sees Council members and their families members along with fellow parishioners come out for a wonderful evening of fellowship, door prizes and a tasty meal. Nearly eighty people attended this years 7th annual dinner. The Parish Hall served as a great venue and a special thanks to all those local businesses and individuals that donated more than 30 door prizes to this years event.
Grand Knight, Francis Walsh, address those in attendance at the 7th Annual Christmas Dinner and Social. Pictured here are (L to R) MPP, Jeff Leal, Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, Mrs. Rita Walsh and M/C for the evening, Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz.
7th Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner |
On November 1st Assumption-Keene Council #14032, hosted the 7th Annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner for District #29. The five Councils in the District are taking turns to host this event. Almost a capacity crowd of 98 attended the evening to celebrate and show appreciation for all that the clergy do for the Parishes in the Peterborough area. On hand this year was the Most Rev. Bishop Nicola De Angelis, of the Peterborough Diocese. The attached image shows Bishop De Angelis with Clergy including, (L to R) Deacon Paul Dunford, Douro; Fr. Jean-Pierre Pilon, Campbellford; Fr. Ray Rick, Douro; Fr. Joseph Devereaux, Assumption-Keene; Fr. Andrew Broda, Lakefield. Also in attendance were the Worthy Field Agent, District Deputy, Ontario State Church Director and Grand Knights for District#29.
Annual Blood Donor Clinic |
Saturday, September 14th was the annual Blood Donor Clinic at Canadian Blood Services, hosted by Council #14032. Pictured here is organizer Brother Rob Crough and his family (L to R) wife Kelly, daughters Larissa and Payton.
Installation of Officers for 2013 / 2014 |
At the September 10th meeting of Council #14032, the installation of officers for the 2013/14 fraternal year was conducted by the District Deputy for District #29. Left to right are Rob Crough - Recorder, Patrick Pinto - 1st Yr. Trustee, Paul Yasyszczuk – District Deputy, Bob O’Brien – Chancellor, Terry Fitzgerald – Outside Guard, Fr. Joseph Devereaux – Chaplain, Kievan Lonergan – 2nd Yr. Trustee, Barry Lecour – Lecturer, Francis Walsh – Grand Knight, Steve Driscoll – Warden, Bernard Clancy – Past Grand Knight, Bob Brown – 3rd yr. Trustee, Mike Malloy – Financial Secretary, Rick Stankiewicz – Inside Guard, Bob Holland – Treasurer, Robin Creeden – Advocate, (missing) Peter Clancy – Deputy Grand Knight. Congratulations to the new Council Executive for the coming year.
After Mass Social |
On August 18th, 2013, our Council hosted an After Mass Social for parishioners and visitors following the 9:00 a.m. Mass, to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption. There was a near capacity crowd at the Parish Hall, where muffins and refreshments were served by Council members. Brother Vern O’Brien is pictured here sampling the offerings. This was a great way to build a community spirit.
Parish Adopt-A-Road clean-up |
May 4th was the most recent Parish Adopt-A-Road clean-up of Cty. Rd.#35. Under almost ideal conditions, this smiling group of volunteers spent several hours removing garbage and recycles from the ditches of this 9.5 km long county road.
Certificate of Appreciation |
Grand Knight, Francis Walsh receives a certificate of appreciation from the Arthritis Society presented by District Deputy, John Kartes.
Training in Rome |
At the Council meeting on June 11th Grand Knight, Francis Walsh presents Sir Knight Fr. Ante Market with a gift as he prepares to leave for training in Rome for the next number of years. We all wish him well in his studies and look forward to the next time we can meet.
Membership Quota Award |
District #29 Deputy, John Kartes, presents Grand Knight, Francis Walsh with the State award of honourable mention with a Membership Quota Award relating to Council #14032 for having reached 133.3% of their quota in the 2012-2013 fraternal year.
Gathering of Executives |
June 11th saw a rare gathering of executives (L to R) including District Warden, Paul Yasyszczuk, Grand Knight, Francis Walsh, Past Grand Knight (PGK), Bernard Clancy, District Deputy, John Kartes, and PGK, Rick Stankiewicz, at the last Council meeting of the 2012/13 fraternal year.
Honourable Mention |
Our Council received “honourable mention” at the 110th State Convention in Toronto on May 18th. Pictured here is Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz (left) receiving a Membership Quota Award on behalf of the Council from State Awards Director, Chris Lazure, for having reached 133.3% of their quota in the 2012-2013 fraternal year.
Our Lady of Guadalupe |

Photo by Wanda Clancy
An image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish through the Knights of Columbus Prayer Program on Sunday, April 28th at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. It was a well attended Mass with about 175 parishioners. In 1999 Pope John Paul II proclaimed Our Lady of Guadalupe the protectress of the unborn as well as patroness of the Americas. At the Mass there was also the baptism of 8 month old April Mary McAllister. What a fitting celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a child’s baptism. This image taken after Mass sure captures a wonderful day in our Parish. (L to R) Admiral, Bishop Marrocco Assembly #882, Rick Stankiewicz, Sir Knights, Francis Walsh (G.K. Council #14032), Vince Heffernan, Peter Clancy (D.G.K. #14032), Bernard Clancy (P.G.K. #14032), Frank Menard, April Mary, Grant, Jennifer McAllister, Kevin Heffernan (District Deputy #4) and Fr. Joseph Devereaux (Chaplain #14032). Afterwards, Council #14032 provided a social with refreshments at the Parish Hall which made for a well attended event enjoyed by many parishioners and visitors.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) |
On the evening of April 24th, 2013, our Council organized a session for some of our parishioners to receive training on an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) unit they we all helped purchase a few years ago. Twenty-one men and women from our parish (mostly Council members and CWL members), spent a couple hours with St. John’s Ambulance Instructor, Rev. Mr. Paul Dunford, at the Parish Hall to review their CPR training and to see how our Parish AED unit worked. Everyone left feeling a lot more comfortable with knowing what to do in the case of possible heart attack emergencies. Some day the training that these parishioners received may save the life of another. Pictured here is the instructor, Sir Knight Rev. Mr. Paul Dunford (left) with Sir Knights, Bob O’Brien and Chaplain Fr. Joseph Devereaux.
Honourary Life Membership |
At the March 12th, 2013 Council meeting there was a special ceremony to honour a founding member of the Council, Sir Knight Bernard Clancy. On this evening Bro. Bernard received his Honourary Life Membership in the Knight’s of Columbus. He is seen here (left) receiving his certificate from Former District Deputy for District#29, Paul Meade (right).
Those in attendance for the March 12th meeting were honoured to be part of the ceremony for Brother Bernard Clancy’s (seated centre) receiving of his Honourary Life Membership in the Knight’s of Columbus at this time.
Keep Christ in Christmas |
This image shows the Keep Christ in Christmas billboard that District #29 is running on Lansdowne Street, Peterborough for the month of December. Our Council was one of five that help support this annual initiative.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Elementary School |
On Dec. 10th, Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz, presented nativity sets to a representative from every class at St. Patrick’s Catholic Elementary School. These sets are annually purchased and supplied by the Assumption-Keene Council. At the end of Advent, one lucky student in each class will get to take the nativity set home. What a great way to “Keep Christ in Christmas”.
Winners for the Beef Raffle |
The following is the list of the winners for the Beef Raffle, held Saturday, December 8th, 2012:
- 1st Prize (Side of Beef) – Allison Hentzman from Apsley
- 2nd Prize (Hind of Beef) – Leon Dorff from Keene
- 3rd Prize (Front of Beef) – Dave Davey from Ardon
We would like to thank everyone that supported our Council’s efforts to raise funds with our fall beef raffle. It was a great success and we greatly appreciate your support. This image shows Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux and Deputy Grand Knight, Peter Clancy conducting the Beef rafle draw.
Card Party |
On November 30, 2012, our Council hosted a Card Party at the Parish Hall. It was a good night and members of Council volunteered as usual to make this event a success. Pictured here (L to R) are Bob Holland, Bob O’Brien and Bernard Sheehan.
It was a busy evening for Council members Gerry Doherty (left) and organizer, Bernard Sheehan (right), but a near full Parish Hall made it all worthwhile.
Clergy Appreciation Dinner |
On Friday, November 23rd, Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, receives a certificate of appreciation during the annual District #29 Clergy Appreciation Dinner, from Grand Knight, Francis Walsh. This years dinner was hosted by St Joseph's Council #11486, Douro.
District Deputy, John Kartes, presents Grand Knight, Francis Walsh with a Columbian Award for the 2011-2012 fraternal year. This took place on November 23rd, at the annual District #29 "Clergy Appreciation Night", in Douro. The Columbian Award is for outstanding Service Programs activities during the past year. There is a minimum requirement of programs that must be participated in that cover Church, Community, Council, Family, Pro-Life and Youth Activities. This award is a tangible testimonial of the efficiency, industry and excellent activity programs of the Council. Congratulations Council #14032, for this award you should be proud of your efforts.
Biggest Annual Fundraiser |
Knight William Foster and Irene Jones, sell beef raffle tickets at the Freshco Supermarket on Lansdowne West in Peterborough. For the next few months our Council will be pursuing their biggest annual fundraiser in years, by selling tickets on a side of beef and two quarters from a steer donated by Skibereen Farms of Otonabee and meat processing donated by Otonabee Meat Packers. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 and the draw will be held on December 8th.
Special Presentation on Drug Awareness |
Before the Oct. 9th meeting, there was a special presentation on Drug Awareness, given by Detective Constable, Ernie Garbutt of the O.P.P. Central East Drug Unit (Peterborough). This informative talk and slide show was taken in by almost 40 men, women and children of our Parish and the community. A worthwhile and educational effort.
Annual Parish Supper |

(Photo by Bob O'Brien)
The annual Parish Supper was held on Saturday, September 29th. The newly renovated Parish Hall was a perfect venue for this event and capacity crowds once again enjoyed a wonderful meal and fellowship of family and friends from the community.

(Photo by Bob O'Brien)
Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux (second from left) and Fr. Craig Cruikshank, enjoy the company of family and friends.
Highlights from Last Meeting |
Council Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Devereaux recieved his Chaplain's Pin from Grand Knight, Francis Walsh, at the September 11th meeting.
Past Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy, was awarded a plaque and pin for his years of service to the Council by the current Grand Knight, Francis Walsh. Thank you Bernard!
Update - Knights Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz, presented Ryan Thompson, a grade 7 student at St. Patrick's School, with his medallion for winning the District Level competition of the poster contest. Ryan had previously won the 2011 senior age category in the Drug Abuse Category in the annual Knights Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. Ryan's poster subsequently advanced to the Regional Level, but did not advance any further. Congratulations Ryan, you are an inspiration! We trust that you and your classmates will participate again next year.
Annual Knights of Columbus Garage Sale |
May 5th was the Annual Knights of Columbus Garage Sale. The weather was great and the deals were great. From the smile on organizer Brother Knight, Bob Holland (left) you can tell the sale was a success. Knight Kievan Lonergan (right) and many other members of our Council made the day the success it was. A big "Thanks" for all those that donated items, helped work and those that came to buy. A good time was had by all!
Annual Adopt-A-Road Clean-up |
This is the largest crew ever to participate in the Annual Adopt-A-Road clean-up on Cty. Rd. #35 (Old Keene Road). May 5th had 41 volunteers, young and old alike, families and individuals, show up for a picture perfect day and to spend the morning making a difference in their community. Our 7th Annual Clean-up was a great success and it shows. This year our volunteers collected over 210 kg (460 lb.) of garbage from this 9.5 km stretch of road. With coffee and donuts donated from Country Style Bistro on Hwy#7, everyone was well fed and watered. All these volunteers from Our Lady of the Assumption Parish helped make a difference in their community by giving of themselves for the benefit of all. It is a dirty job (picking up after other people)....but somebody has to do it (and they did it willingly)! Thank you to all who supported this effort.
Annual Mass of the Chrism |
On April 2nd to start Holy Week, the annual Mass of the Chrism was held at St. Peter-in-Chains, Cathedral. Afterwards, photographer/parishioner, Mary Macfarlane, captured this photo of our Pastor, Fr. Joseph Devereaux, Seminarian in Residence, Nic Carvalho, flanked (L to R) by Sir Knight Francis Walsh, Faithful Navigator Rick Stankiewicz and Sir Knight Raphael Dunne.
Bishop's Mass and Relics of Saint Brother Andre Bessette |

Photo by: Wanda Clancy
Twenty members of the 4th Degree Honour Guard (from both the Bishop F.A. Marrocco and Sir Knight Aubrey Allen Assemblies, Peterborough) attended this special event on Feb. 19th, with the Bishop Most Rev. Nicola De Angelis and Pastor Joseph Devereaux presiding. It was a beautiful day and wonderful event, topped off by a light luncheon at the Parish Hall afterwards.

Photo by: Wanda Clancy
Sunday, February 19th, 9:00 a.m. Mass was a special event for our Parish, as Bishop Nicola De Angelis con-celebrated with Fr. Joseph Devereaux. What added to this special Mass was that the relics of Canada's first male saint, Brother Andre Bessette, were present at the front of the church. See the display in the foreground of the above picture, as the Bishop gave his homily. These relics were on loan from the St. Joseph's Oratory, Montreal, for the 3 days previous.
Council Knight's "Parish Valentine's Dinner and Hall Opening" |

Photo by: Wanda Clancy
The official opening of the newly renovated Parish Hall included a ribbon cutting and a recognition of the Hall Committee. Bro. Bob Holland emceed the evening and introduced the Committee (L to R) Diane Creeden, Grand Knight Bernard Clancy, Anna Marie Bolin, Ruth O'Brien (wife of Committee Chair, Bob O'Brien), Bro. Bob O'Brien and Bro. Rob Crough. Committee Chair was recognized with a special plaque for all his efforts in seeing this project through to the end. Hats off to all those who played a part in this special parish project.

Photo by: Wanda Clancy
Saturday, February 11th, doubled as a Parish Valentine's dinner, hosted by our Council of the Knights, but also served as an official grand opening of our newly renovated Parish Hall. It was a capacity crowd as the above image shows. The response to this project has been overwhelmingly positive. What a great event to build community!
Annual Knights Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest |
"Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz, presents Ryan Thompson of St. Patrick's School, with his winners certificate as Ryan holds his winning poster. Ryan was the 2011 winner of the senior age category in the Drug Abuse Category in the annual Knights Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest. In addition Ryan received a cash award from the Council too. Ryan's grade seven class participated in this program and did a great job at conveying a message against drug abuse. Ryan's poster advanced to the District Level competition, which he subsequently won and now it advances to the District Level Competition. Good luck Ryan!
Clergy Appreciation Dinner |
On November 18, 2011, the annual District #29 Clergy Appreciation Dinner was hosted by St. Joseph's Council #11486, Douro. The capacity crowd was gathered to honour the clergy from our five Council areas (Parishes). Assumption-Keene Council #14032, was pleased to present Fr. Ante Market a "Certificate of Appreciation" for all the work he does for our Parish. Grand Knight Bernard Clancy is seen here doing the presentation to Fr. Market. Unfortunately, Fr. Joseph Devereaux (our Pastor) was not able to attend this event, but was given his certificate at a later date.
Fourth Degree Certifications |
"Sir Knight Fr. Ante Market (left), from our Council, receives his certification into the Fourth Degree at the Bishop F.A. Marrocco Assembly #882 (Peterborough), by Faithful Navigator, Sir Knight Rick Stankiewicz, at the dinner meeting of November 10th, 2011."
"On the night of November 10th, 2011, Sir Knight Raphael Dunne (left), from our Council, received his certification into the Fourth Degree at the Bishop F.A. Marrocco Assembly #882 (Peterborough), by Faithful Navigator, Sir Knight Rick Stankiewicz."
Euchre Party |
"On October 21, 2011, the Council hosted another of many successful Euchre Parties at the Assumption Church Hall. As can been here, there was a near capacity crowd for this event. Hats off to all those members who worked so hard to make this fundraiser the success it was."
Annual parish dinner (Sept. 17th 2011) |
At this years annual parish dinner (Sept. 17th), Council Knights Fr. Ante Market and Raphael Dunne gave of themselves to make sure this event was a success by keeping everyone fed and watered! Thank you to all the members of our parish that contributed in any way to make this years dinner the great time it was.
Blood Donour Clinic on Sept. 10th 2011 |
For Brother Knight Rob Crough and his wife Kelly, at this years annual Council sponsored Blood Donour Clinic on Sept. 10th, it has become a family affair. Bro. Rob has organized this event for five years now and many people are grateful to him for this life saving initiative.
For Brother Knight Peter Clancy, it just looked like more paperwork! Thank you for your time and giving of yourself (literally).
6th annual Adopt-a-Road clean-up (May 7, 2011) |
We had a great turn out and great weather for our 6th annual Adopt-a-Road clean-up of Cty. Rd. #35 (Old Keene Road) . Our Council "adopted" this 9.5 km stretch of road in 2006 and have collected garbage every year since. This year was one of the best years for nice spring weather and 27 Our Lady of the Assumption Parish volunteers showed up to make this truly a family, parish and community event. This year they collected almost a half a ton of garbage and recyclables from the ditches. What a truly rewarding feeling when such a hands on approach is taken to do something about our local environment for the community in which you live. Hats off to our volunteers!
March 8 2011 Meeting |
Fr. David West, is awarded a "Pin of Office" as our Council Chaplain by Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy, at the March 8th meeting.
"Brother Knight, Paul Lafond presents Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy, a certificate for last years Council donation to the "Walk For MS" (Multiple Sclerosis).
Annual Council Christmas Dinner (Dec.18th 2010) |
The annual Council Christmas Dinner (Dec.18th) was a another wonderful evening of fellowship, fun and a great meal with our spouses and all who attended. There were lots of door prizes too (see under the tree). A big, "Thank you", to all who donated for a wonderful evening and those that help make this such a success!
Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy and his wife Pat were the driving force behind this wonderful Christmas Dinner and deserve an amazing amount of credit for their efforts, what a team! It was nice to see them having fun too.
District #29 Memorial Mass - November 14 2010 |
Photo by Wanda Clancy |
On Sunday, November 14th, for 9:00 a.m., there was a capacity crowd at Our Lady of the Assumption Church for this years annual District #29 Memorial Mass. This is the second year in a row that our Council has hosted this ceremony.
Photo by Wanda Clancy |
Our Council hosted the Mass for deceased Knights from the Councils of Ennismore #10665, Kawartha Lakes #11924, Douro #11486, Norwood-Havelock #8287, and Assumption-Keene #14032 and war veterans. After Mass the Knights from the five Councils and Honour Guard from both the Aubrey Allen and Bishop Marrocco Assemblies of Peterborough, gathered around the veteran and wreath bearer, Mr. Peter Crough (left of centre in front row).
Photo by Wanda Clancy |
At this years Memorial Mass there was the special addition of "peace officers" in their number one dress uniforms, performing the roles of flag bearers. (R to L) RCMP Constable, Julie Meeks - Canadian Flag; OPP Officer, Rev. Mr. Paul Dunford - Ontario Flag; City Police Constable, Josh Ayotte - Papal Flag; and Conservation Officer, Rick Stankiewicz - Knights of Columbus Flag.
Council Awards |
Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy awards our Council's newest member, Raphael Dunne, his First Degree certificate. This is in honour of St. Brother Andre, Canada's first male saint.
Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz receives his miniature jewel of office from current Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy.
Annual Parish Supper |
"On September 18th, the whole Parish pulled together to host yet another great annual fundraiser for the Parish. A full house is what it was (as seen here), with almost 450 dinners served throughout the day."
"Pies, pies and more pies, just one of the many things this Parish Supper is known for, a great selection of pies!"
"Past Grand Knight , Rick Stankiewicz, Chaplain, Fr. David West and Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy, share a moment of surprise as things wrapped up for the day. Another successful year by the look of it!"
Blood Donour Clinic |
"Council Treasurer, Bob Holland gives blood for the first time at the Council's blood donour clinic (Sept.11th).
Council member Tom Wornoff is a multiple donour as he gives blood again at this years clinic.
Once again annual volunteers assisted those at the blood donour clinic. Pictured are (L to R) Past Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz, Pat Clancy, wife of Grand Knight, Bernard Clancy.
September Council Meeting |
At the September Council meeting Grand Knight Bernard Clancy presents Past Grand Knight Rick Stankiewicz with a plaque of appreciation "In sincere appreciation and recognition of outstanding and devoted service" for the past two years as Grand Knight.
60th Anniversary of Our Lady of the Assumption (OLOA) Parish |
On Sunday August 15th, after a noon Mass, about 200 parishioners participated in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Our Lady of the Assumption (OLOA) Parish, as well as the feast of OLOA, by conducting a Living Rosary outside behind the rectory. It threatened rain, but everyone was blessed with not needing an umbrella.
This close-up shows the actual participants of the Living Rosary (many members were Brother Knights), lead by our Pastor, Fr. David West. We would like to thank all who participated in any way to make this day a great success.
Many Knights from our Council helped during the celebration afterwards, serving up free hotdogs and sausages to all the hungry participates and spectators.
Brother Knight Steve Driscoll (center stage) and his band entertained the crowds with a great outdoor sound from the Parish Hall deck. Their selection of tunes made a great entertainment and lots of top tapping.
Certificates of Merit |
On June 15th, Grand Knight Rick Stankiewicz (left) awarded Certificates of Merit to the following Council members Francis Walsh, Bob O'Brien, Jack Marchen, Bob Holland and Bernard Sheehan (absent). At this last meeting of the season, these members were being recognized for their contributions to Council #14032 over the past 4 1/2 years. Each of these members took on projects that each time raised well over $1,000 per project for the good of their Council and this has allowed the Council to grow and contribute significantly back to the parish and the community though many good works
Giant Garage Sale |
At the first ever Giant Garage Sale there was lots to choose from, as this pictures shows. There was lots to buy outside too. Saturday, May 15th was a great event and one that our Council hopes to duplicate in the future.
We are thankful for the many members that were on hand to help out at the Big Garage Sale. Here are just a few of those that had a hand in the success of this event. (left to right) Jack Marchen, Bob Brown, Bob Holland (organizers), Peter Clancy and William Foster. Thanks to all for a job well done!
Earth Day 2010 |
Earth Day was late, but on Saturday (May 8th), the Knights of Columbus of Assumption-Keene (Council#14032) organized their annual community Adopt-A-Road clean-up of County Road #35 (Old Keene Road). It rained for most of the morning and the winds were high, but this did not dampen the spirits or the efforts of a dedicated group of the18 volunteers. This year they collected 10 bags of recyclables and 27 bags of garbage totalling 340 kg (748 lb.) from the 9.5 km stretch of road between Highway #7 and County Road #2.
From tires to coffee cups, they found them all! What an awesome effort on their part for the whole community. This was a real hands on approach to helping the environment and we are all better for it!
(Pictured from left to right are just some of the damp but happy volunteers - Rick Stankiewicz, Michael Corkery, Martin Corkery, Mike Malloy and Steve Driscoll. Photo by: Rick Stankiewicz)
Honourary Life Membership certificate |
On April 13, 2010, Grand Knight Rick Stankiewicz (left) presented Council member Barry Lecour his Honourary Life Membership certificate.
YWCA Crossroads Program |
Council Financial Secretary, Bob O'Brien presents a cheque to the YWCA Crossroads Program - February, 2009
Family Fun Day |
Brother Rob Crough brought has family to the annual Family Fun Day, hosted by Douro Council #11486 at Peter Leahy's Merrylynd Farms, on Jan.31st for an afternoon of hot chocolate, skating, sleigh rides and much more.
The fun started and finished with a free horse drawn sleigh ride between the parking lot and the fun and games at the Family Fun Day
Councils from District #4 & #29 were on hand to present Fr. Ray Rick cheques that were going to the "Retired Priests' Benefit Fund" in the Peterborough Diocese. (L to R) Brother Knights Kevin Heffernan, Peter Brewer, Rick Stankiewicz, Fr. Ray Rick, John Found, Bob Condon, Mike Garvey
Sir Knight Peter Clancy (left) receives his certificate into the Fourth Degree from the Faithful Navigator of the Bishop Marrocco Assembly (Peterborough), Paul Meade, on January 14th, 2010.
On December 11th, Council #14032 held a first ever "A Knight's Christmas Gala" at the Parish Hall. It was a great "knight" out, with many couples attending for an evening of fellowship, dinner and music.
Sandra O'Toole (wife of Past Grand Knight, Michael O'Toole) ensured that every partner of a Knight in attendance received a hand decorated Christmas ornament at the "A Knight's Christmas Gala". Many thanks to the O'Toole's for organizing this event.
At our Christmas Dinner, there were ten Knights from our Council recognized with certificates for their support and involvement in the Council's annual blood donour clinics over the last three years.
A special certificate of recognition was presented to Brother Bob O'Brien, by our Grand Knight, for his years of dedicated service to Council #14032 as the Financial Secretary.
During the month of December, our Council along with the Parish, had Father David West present certificates of recognition to all our Parish Alter Servers for their years of dedicated service. Each server was also given a gift certificate too. In this case, (L to R) Claire and Maggie Doris and Heather Clark were presented their certificates by Fr. David and our Grand Knight, at St. John the Evangelist Mission Church, in Keene.
On December 16th Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz, was at St.Patrick's School to congratulate 10 of the 13 winners of the nativity sets awarded at the final school assembly for the season. To help keep the Christ in Christmas, the Assumption-Keene Council ensured each classroom had a crèche to be awarded to a deserving child.
Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz, presents the Principal of St. Patrick's Elementary School, Tammy LeBlond, one of 13 nativity sets just in time for Advent. Council #14032 purchased one set for every classroom at the school and at the end of Advent one deserving student from each class will get to keep the set to take home. Just another way to "Keep Christ in Christmas"!
Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz receives the "Founders Award" (for last years number of insured members), from Field Agent, Gerald Connelly, at the October 13th Council meeting.
Sir Knight Michael Malloy receives his certificate into the Fourth Degree from the Faithful Navigator of the Bishop Marrocco Assembly (Peterborough), Paul Meade, on October 8th, 2009.
Parish Supper/Raffle |
There was lots of people, food and fun at the annual Assumption Parish Supper. It was held at the church hall on Saturday, Sept.19th. It was another successful event, thanks to all those in the parish that pitched in to help out! A picture is worth a thousand words
Council Trustee, Sir Knight Patrick Pinto, was the "master carver" for the Parish Supper. He single handedly cut all the beef and pork that was served!
The long and short of it at the Parish Supper! Council Advocate, Robin Creeden (left), was the "head placer", and Trustee, Vince Torpey (right), served tea and coffee. These were just some of the Brother Knights of our Council that helped make this event the success that it was.
Blood Donour Clinic
There were 25 donors that attended, we collected 20 units and 16 donors were from the Knights of Columbus. We would like to extend a big "Thank you" to everyone that helped make the clinic a success. 60 Lives will be helped as one unit can save up to 3 lives.
Brother Knights of our Council literally "rolled up their sleeves" to participate in the 3rd Annual Blood Donour Clinic sponsored by our Council (Saturday, Sept.12th). Here is a double header of the organizer of the Clinic, Council Recorder, Rob Crough (foreground) and Brother Knight, Martin Corkery (background).
Council Chancellor, Bernard Clancy (right) and his wife Pat, volunteered the whole clinic, to assist in recording stats and looking after the donours.
Brother Knight, Derrick Fleming donated his blood too, but not without the support of his whole family! Talk about a family affair.
Brother Knight, Jason Ironside, looked pretty comfortable donating for his second time. Each time he has donated, he potentially help save up to three lives!
Council #14032 for 2009/10 |
Most of the current Council #14032 Executive were on hand (August 25th) to be newly installed for the coming year by the new District Deputy, John Found. (left to right-seated) Chancellor-Bernard Clancy, Grand Knight-Rick Stankiewicz, Chaplain-Fr. David West, District Deputy-John Found, Deputy Grand Knight-Jack Marchen
(left to right-standing) Recorder-Rob Crough, Financial Secretary-Mike Malloy, Trustee-Vince Torpey, Treasurer-Bob Holland, Warden-Steve Driscoll, Advocate-Robin Creeden, Past Grand Knight-Mike O'Toole, Inside Guard-Ed Rabishaw, Trustee-Patrick Pinto (Absent were Lecturer-Bob O'Brien, Outside Guard-Peter Clancy, Trustee-Vern O'Brien
Charity Barbeque and Auction - 2009 |
Deputy Grand Knight, Jack Marchen, conceived, organized and ran this very successful event, which raised over $6,000 for the charitable works of Council #14032. Our whole Council would like to thank all those that participated in any way with making this the success it was. Many individuals and businesses donated time, product and money to make this evening fun and profitable for all concerned and this will allow the Council to continue the great work that it does in the parish and great community.
Riley Crough holds the 5 lb. Hershey's chocolate bar that he won during the live auction. He might share it with sister Larissa.

Brother Knights, Bernard Clancy (left) and Jim Zister (right), serve up lots of sausages on a bun, as part of this events barbeque.
Brother Knights, William Foster (Left) and John Jones (right), sell beef raffle tickets and do a great job at it too.
Brother Knight, Steve Driscoll (right) set-up outside the hall and helped provide the live entertainment for the first part of the evening. A great time was had by all!
Knights of Columbus Road Clean-up 2009 |
May 9th, the Knights of Columbus of Assumption-Keene (Council#14032) organized their annual community Adopt-A-Road clean-up of County Road #35 (Old Keene Road). It rained for most of the morning, but this did not dampen the spirits or the efforts of a dedicated group of over 27 volunteers. This year they collected 12 bags of recyclables and 29 bags of garbage (300 kg) from the 9.5 km stretch of road from Highway #7 to County Road #2.
From tires to coffee cups, they found it all! What an awesome effort on their part for the whole community. This was a real hands on approach to helping the environment and we are all better for it! Thanks to all who pitched in and a special thanks to Country Style Donuts for generously donating coffee and donuts for the day!
Pictured from left to right are just some of the damp but happy volunteers - Jim Zister, Sandra O'Toole, Chelsea Crough, Bob Brown, Betty Brown, Mike O'Toole, Larissa Crough, Wava Brown, Payton Crough, Riley Crough, Rob Crough, Vern O'Brien and Vince O'Toole. |
More happy volunteers during the May 9th Adopt-A-Road clean-up; Vern O'Brien, Riley, Larissa, Chelsea & Payton Crough and Ed Rabishaw |
Grand Knight Rick Stankiewicz (left) accepts the Father McGivney Award for membership achievement in 2007/08 from District Deputy, Paul Meade |
Most of the current (2008/09) executive members for Council #14032: (left to right) Chancellor-Bernard Clancy; Warden-Steve Driscoll; Past Grand Knight-Mike O'Toole; Treasurer-Bob Holland; Trustee-Vince Torpey; Recorder-Rob Crough; Grand Knight-Rick Stankiewicz; Advocate-Robin Creeden; Financial Secretary-Bob O'Brien; Deputy Grand Knight-Jack Marchen and Lecturer-Mike Malloy |
On April 17th, District #29 held the third annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner for all the clergy of their parishes. Bishop Nicholas De Angelis was present and accepted a donation to the Diocesan Priest Retirement Fund. This photo shows all the clergy in attendance and the Grand Knights for all 5 Councils in the District. Thanks to Lakefield Council #11924, for hosting this wonderful evening shared by many Brother Knights and their spouses. |
KOC Fun Day |
"Council #14032 representative, Rob Crough (far left), was on hand for the donation of cheques to host Grand Knight, Bob Condon (far right), Douro Council, at the annual Family Fun Day, at Merrylynd Farms, Lakefield." |
"Knight Rob Cough's daughter, Payton enjoyed herself at the annual Family Fun Day, with all the activities, from skating, to horse drawn sleigh rides, tobogganing and lots to eat and drink. The smile says it all!" |
January 30th, 2009, Annual Euchre Tournament |
A full house and a good time had by all at the Parish Hall on January 30th, 2009, annual Euchre Tournament |
Primary organizers for the Euchre Tournament were Brother Knights Bob O'Brien and Bernie Sheehan. Another successful event thanks too them and all the other Knights of the Council that helped out for the evening. |
Sir Knight Bernard Clancy receives his certificate into the Fourth Degree from the Faithful Navigator of the Bishop Marrocco Assembly (Peterborough), Paul Meade, on January 8th, 2009. |
Founding Past Grand Knight, Michael O'Toole (left) receives a certificate of appreciation from the District #29 Deputy, Paul Meade, at the last Council meeting for Assumption-Keene, on November 11, 2008. |
Past Grand Knight, Michael O'Toole (left) displays his "jewel of office" as Past Grand Knight for Council #14032. Congratulations is being given by current Grand Knight, Rick Stankiewicz. |
Blood Donor Clinic
Held Saturday September 13th 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Main Clinic of the Canadian Blood Services in Peterborough. |
"Knight Rob Crough "gives a hand" (literally) at the recent blood donor clinic he helped organize" |
"Knight Martin Corkery finished giving his first ever blood donation." |
"Knight David Ellis is served refreshments by volunteer Pat Clancy (wife of Brother Bernard Clancy), after he makes his donation of "a gift of life"." |
Thisimage shows a panoramic shot of a "full house" at the Knights of Columbus Council #14032 Euchre Party on January 18, 2008, to raise money for the youth of the Assumption-Keene area to attend the World Youth Conference in Australia (spring 2008). |
This image shows the key organizers of this fund raising euchre party, Bob O'Brien (left) and Bernie Sheehan. They and their many volunteers raised over $1,500 for the designated cause of World Youth Day. |

This past Feb.12th 2008, at the Parish Hall of Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) Church. Both the Knights of Columbus Council #14032 for Assumption / Keene and the Catholic Women's League of the parish, presented cheques to Sarah Grills (Secretary-Treasurer) Christopher Macfarlane (Vice President) of the parish OLA Youth Group, for their efforts to send eight delegates to the World Youth Days in Sydney, Australia in June of this year. - CWL President, Anna Marie Bolin, presents a cheque for $1,000.00 to the OLA members.

Grand Knight, Michael O'Toole, presents a cheque for $1,150.00 from the proceeds of the Council #14032 Euchre Party on Jan.18th, 2008, to the OLA Youth Group members. |
The winners of the spring (May/08) Baseball Tournament hosted by the Council #14032, was won by the Lakefield Council #11924 team shown here. |
Events like a baseball tournament are a success only due to members of the Assumption-Keene Council like those pictured here (L to R), Robin Creeden, Michael O'Toole, Vernon O'Brien, Robert Crough, Bob Holland and Bob O'Brien. |

This image is from a donation presentation that our Grand Knight, Michael O'Toole (left) presented to Rob Tonus. of the Canadian Cancer Society. The cheque was for $500 and was from half the proceeds of an Assumption-Keene Council #14032 sponsored baseball tournament held this past spring. The other $500 was donated to Victoria Quilts, an organization that makes and gives quilts to cancer patients. Unfortunately, there was no one present to award this cheque to at the same time as the other presentation. |
Knights of Columbus Road Clean-up

Council 14032 of the Knight’s of Columbus for Assumption-Keene did their road clean up on May 31st , 2008. The 9 km length of County Road #35 (Old Keene Road through Assumption) was once again cleaned by 26 volunteer Parish members of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish as part of the Count’s Adopt-A-Road program. The rainy morning start gave way to clear skies and a successful collection of 30 bags of garbage and 14 bags of recyclable materials. In total, over 300 kg of litter was collected and taken to the City’s landfill and recycle depot. It was great to see families getting involved for this very hands-on effort to help keep our community and the environment clean. It is always amazing the amount of recycle material and garbage that is collected annually.
A special thanks to all those that participated in this clean up and to those that allowed the use of their vehicles and trailers. We look forward to another successful clean up this coming fall.

The pictures show some of the 300kg of litter collected for the day. Also shown are just some of the 26 volunteers who collected all this garbage and recyclable materials. (Left to right are) Bernard Ironside, Rick Stankiewicz, The Fleming Family, Fr. David West, The Corkery Family and the Crough Family. |
This image shows the results of the Adopt-A-Road efforts of the volunteers of Council#14032 on May 12, 2007. Shown are just some of the many that volunteered their time and effort for yet another successful morning by keeping their community environment clean. |
This image is from Council #14032 first Adopt-A-Road clean up on October 15, 2006. Grand Knight Mike O'Toole and family stand by the sign erected by Peterborough County for the Council's adoption of the 9 km length of County Road 35.